

Childhood memories
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge
We leave the house early and after wandering aimless,no food,no water,no money in hand,return home tired.
We sneak into the mangroves,pluck mangoes,and eat during noon,escape from there when the guard shouts.
When father knew we stole mangoes,I was beaten till I ask apology.But the punishment is for the day only. Again next day same routine,escape before guard notices us.
We were happy in spite of the punishment, never bothered the hot Sun
We used to roam with no boundary.
Those days are golden days of the childhood,which never come back in the life.I used to narrate to my son and daughter.After some years I would narrate to my grandchildren. Unfortunately my son and daughter didn't get the chance as I had.. Because I was born in small village. Where there is no entertainment except roaming in the farmlands.My children born and brought up in city, where the lifestyle is totally different.When I tell my childhood stories to my kids, sometimes they show no interest.Or sometimes they feel they miss the opportunity.
No doubt the life in the village is not comparable.Peaceful, humble,humanity
all these we miss in city life.

© Vadamalaisamy