

Satan, Evil Retirement
Satan and Evil Retirement: In every person there are having both qualities and sides good and bad, Positive and Negative. When we are dominated from inside by Satan then our negative energy or negativity increased. When Satan lives inside of us evil inside of us started working and we express ourselves as an evil or negative person to other people. Signs of Satan living and working inside of us is having negative energy and negativity and expressing it through behavior and Actions or activities. When we are controlled by Satan energy our real energy is dominated and we forget who we really are by being distracted from our real self and true self also Positive Self and starting express our Negative Self by being so selfish. Working of Satan inside of us makes us evil by being disconnected from who we are meant to be and eliminates and removed our all positive Emotions like Happiness, Peace, Abundance, Gratitude etc from us as result of that we loss our inner peace and happiness and being sad and sorrowful by carrying pain inside of us. Satan always make us move in wrong Direction of our life and not making right decision hence doing wrong action in life. Most part of us are converted or transformed into negative energy or negativity. Our outlook also becomes negative due to possessing negativity and Negative elements inside of us. Satan makes us fool as long as it lives inside of us. Domination and Manipulation of Satan are reflected on our life, Dominative and Manipulative Reflection are there. All these are so far discussed happened in pre retirement or non retirement stage of Satan. In Satan Retirement stage we get relief and become free from Satan. More we become near to God more distance are created from Satan and in Satan Retirement stage Satan becomes much far from us, it can't dominate our heart and mind, it will not be able to control and manipulate Our inner Self and inner kingdom. When we connect ourselves with God or Nature, when we spend time with Nature Satan Retirement started by being disconnected from Satan and then Satan does not live inside of us as Satan leaves us, our mind and life. Satan may live more than a single mind, can dominate, control and manipulate more than a single heart at a time as in any particular time many people having difficult time and can go through difficulties. For Christian Lord can saves them from Satan so prayer is the only way for them to get out of Satan and Evil Energy by getting started with Satan and Evil Retirement Phase. More our mind becomes calm and peaceful more we will able to initiate Satan Retirement Phase inside of us by not letting Satan makes us drive in a wrong way or path of life so we need to start practice Spiritual Activities as well such as Doing Meditation and Yoga etc. Meditation and Yoga makes Our inner Environment in such a way that which is not suitable for living Satan so Our Mind becomes non living place for Satan and Evil. In Satan Retirement stage we get back to our original version of self, we become who we really are by not projecting Satan Controlled Self to outside. From Wrong Direction to Right Direction, from Negative Self to Positive Self, From Negativity to Positivity, From False Self to True Self, From Pain and Sorrow to Happy and Peaceful all these are outcomes of transition phase of Satan. The Journey towards Positivity, Positive Self, True Self, Happiness and inner Peace. Here meaning of Retirement is Releasing as we release all negativity and Negative energy and elements, Leaving, Exiting as Satan exits from us and our mind, being Free, getting Relief. In retirement phase Satan finds for other Negative Time, Negative Mind, Negative Life where it can lives.
Retirement Phase of Satan and Evil: The Time and Phase Satan takes to be retired and the time frame or span it dominates and controls and manipulates us before getting retired is called Retirement Time or Retirement Phase. This time or phase Should be our hard and difficult time because mostly we are captured by Satan or Evil in our bad phase or bad time of life, in golden time Satan can not even touches us. This is termination of domination time for Satan. Through leaving this time we can only be able to get out of Satan and Evil Zone.
© Arka Samanta