

Unexpected Love

Dear Aarav,

It's been too late to talk about. If you are reading this letter, it means you have meet the most important person of your life. Sometimes memories are dangerous but they should be remembered for moving forward in life. I know you have many questions related to what's happening around suddenly. Life is all about uncertainty. The girl sitting in front of you is Riya who was your primary school friend.
You might have forgotten her presence but she always remembered you. Your father left us when you were young. I didn't have any option rather to leave you alone and get married again. I know you were alone all these years. I didn't come to see you because I didn't want to increase your discomfort. Soon I will also be leaving this world. The words are useless since you can survive without people around you.
There is an incomplete task left by me. I want you to finish my unfinished task. The necklace contains the photograph of your father. He was a doctor and was killed mercilessly. You need to find the reason behind his death.

With love,
Your mother