

one sided love❤
Most of us has experience the feeling which of "one sided love '' this feeling is the most precious emotion we have in this feeling we even don't know that the same person love us or not but we love.one sided love is also known as crush its a feeling were we found our love partner according to our feeling in this feeling our heart glow up 💖

*real story❤
so my first crush was in 3 class there was a girl who use to sit behind me and at that time I was a shy person so one day she asked me for extra pencil but I was nervous that I said I don't have but I have it its was such nonsense done by me but who know that time we were friends like third class students be so I kept my feeling inside and just go on as a friend next year she was again my class mate it was fourth and our teacher were really strict so he dont even allow to sit boy and girl together or not to play together so once again I kept my feeling so once in fifth grade our classes were shuffle and the girl left me and other girl came so she became my crush and at that time I was big and know the world so one day I give that girl a chit in which it was written "I love you ❤" so luckily she also sent me a chit I was like she have rejected me and then I open it so I found I love you too I was just so much happy and this story just blasted everywhere like our section and section of my first crush next time our love story move on and when we were in nine class so our class again shuffle so my first crush came and my GF left school so I was the lonely one in class so one day I was standing at back of class so I realize friend of first crush came and say that read this chit and read it in washroom so I go in so I open chit there was written that I love you so I have attitude in me and I said her that I will think about after these days there were weekend of 1 week so then I came school I was full ready to except her purposal but what I see that am she and other boy where together so I was just shocked and then I ask to her friend that who is he? she said his bf so I said but she proposed me so I said what about me she said that the boy also propose her at last school day I was like but........
so on I am single but happy to see I am single because seeing my friend I am really at good stage if they not call them breakup no goodnight or good morning breakup so I am happy being single

added:I will not add girl and boy name ite not my story I am a girl

© Syeda Rutaba Asaad