

The Road to Grace. Part one
#trauma #mentalawarenessmonth #reallifestories#introduction
The sound of shattering glass and crunching metal still rang in his ears far after the sirens blared their way and he found himself lying in a stiff hospital bed.
Shawn could barely see through his swollen eyes but wasn't blind to the fact of the split second decision that got himself here.
"Dad you don't need to drive. You're drunk."
"I got this boy."
"Charlotte, let's just walk."
"To school? He seems fine. It's dad. I've seen him worse."
"...fine...but I'm riding up front."
"Oh...my God."
"Shawn...why...why in the world did you get you and your sister in that car?"
"I don't know-"
"Your sister's leg is broke! Her basketball days are over. And you...every one of you could've died. I thought you'd have more sense than this."
"I'm sorry..."
"I'm getting a divorce and moving. I'm not doing this anymore."
"Moving where?"
"...I think it's best you stay with your dad."
"You can't leave me with him alone...mom..."

Shawn flailed as he felt himself sliding off the bed, his heart thudding hard in his throat.
It took a moment to realize he was in his own bed.
Still abandoned by his own mother. Still stuck with his worthless drunk father but now it was worse though months ago he thought things couldn't possibly be worse.
His father had gotten remarried to Deanna who was his addicted father's twin except three times the weight and had more rules than a Nazi.
He fought his way out of his blanket entwined around his legs, almost a nightly occurrence; he couldn't remember the last time he slept peaceably without tossing and nightmares.
The wreck wasn't just a fabricated nightmare though he'd give anything for it to be. Maybe without the wreck his life wouldn't be as hellish; he was on a list of medications because of it and had gained nerve damage that had left him with a metal rod in his right leg which came along with an annoying limp.
He hobbled his way over to his dresser and opened bottle after bottle of pills downing them with a left over MTN dew.
He picked his phone up to one new text.

Shane hey man meet me at the football game tonight. Bring some g's.

Same place? Shawn text back


Since his dad took his whole disability check he had to make money somehow.
Now all he had to do was fifty chores to appease the Nazi so he could leave in a few hours.