

Daily life of Takara Yuuji
**This story is written in a japanese writing style, so full names will be written with last names before the first**

Main Character:
Name: Takara Yuuji
Age: 18
Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall

Side Character:
Name: Takara Izumi
Age: 11
Looks: Brown hair, green eyes
Relations to MC: Main Character's younger sister

Side Character:
Name: Takara Aki
Age: 2
Looks: Brown hair, brown eyes
Relations to MC: Main Character's youngest sister

Balancing school life and life at home is hard enough, but taking the role of a parent for younger siblings at the same time, as well as other roles is rough.
Follow through the everyday life of Takara Yuuji as he has to deal with challenges that average kids of his age have never even thought about.

Chapter 1, The loss of a couple:
It was a gloomy day. Rain poured down, covering the cries of relatives, friends, and family at a funeral. The funeral was for a couple, who died in a car accident, and was well-loved by many. The couple had 3 kids named, Yuuji, Aki, and Izumi. Though they were a lovely family, nobody wanted to take care of the 3 kids, so the kids were left standing at the center of the conference room, surrounded by relatives who were in a heated discussion about who the kids would stay with.
Finally having enough of it, the oldest son, Yuuji, stood up and announced that he would take care of his siblings himself.
There was an uproar, as many different opinions were mentioned at once. Some thought it was a good idea as no one would have to be bothered by the kids, while others thought that it was a bit harsh to leave the kids by themselves after what happened to their parents. Reasuring those who didn't think it was a good idea, Yuuji managed to get everyone on the same page, and they finally agreed to let the children live by themselves.

Chapter 2, Every problem has a solution:
As Yuuji and his siblings got home after a horrible and long day, they saw a note stuck to their door. Izumi pulled out the note and read it aloud.
'My brother's family is coming back from the States to live in Japan, and they asked me if I could arrange a house for them, so I decided on this one. Sorry, you're going to have to move out before the end of this month!
- Your previous house owner, Mr. Cha.'
Shocked, infuriated, and exausted, the siblings went inside the house.
The next day, the siblings went out in search of a new house. After countless hours of searching, they couldn't find one. Giving up for the day, they went home.
This routine continued for the next few days.
After 2 weeks of searching, the siblings were losing hope. As they were going to give up after another day of searching, Aki saw a poster that was hanging on a bulletin board. Taking one look at it, Yuuji called the phone number written on it right away.
"Hello?" He said, "Is this the 'Home For You' agency?"
"Yes. How can I help you?" The worker answered.
"I saw one of your posters for a house that I am interested in. It's the house that's located in ******. Is it still available?"
"Ummm... Let me check. Please give me a moment." The worker replied.
Waiting anxiously for a reply, the siblings stood restlessly on the side of the road.
"Ok, I got it. And.... Yes, the house is still available."
Letting out a silent cry of joy, Yuuji said, "Ok, I will double check with my family, and call you again when we come to a conclusion."
"Ok." The worker replied and the call ended.
That night, the siblings had a family discussion. They really liked the house, but the location of the house was quite far, meaning that they would have to change everything, especially schools. They had a long discussion that night. The next morning, Yuuji called the worker again and said that they will take the house. For the rest of the day, the siblings packed their things. Two days later, the siblings had a farewell party and left the day after for their new house.

Chapter 3, A fresh start:

"Ok, we've finally moved all our stuff to the new house!" Yuuji exclaimed. "School starts tomorrow, so we need to get some rest. Good night!"
The next day, Yuuji got up first, and he went downstairs to make breakfast and pack the lunchboxes. Down came Izumi and Aki at the same time for breakfast, later on. Getting ready in the morning is always the hardest, especially for Yuuji. He has to make breakfast for him and his siblings, pack lunches for the three of them, get Aki ready for daycare, and help Izumi dry her hair after her shower. It may not sound that bad, but adding the fact that both his sisters are a little grumpy after just waking up, makes things a lot worse.
Heading out for school, Yuuji and his siblings left extra early because they had to go get their uniforms. After they got their uniforms, they went to Aki's daycare. After dropping her off, Yuuji and his sister went to her school. Dropping her off, Yuuji headed to his own school. He walked into the classroom after the teacher announced that there would be a transfer student.
After introducing himself, Yuuji took a seat, and class began. At the end of the day, Yuuji picked his sisters up from school and went back home.
The next day, during their lunchbreak, Yuuji was about to get his lunchbox out of his bag when there was an announcement requesting him. Yuuji went to the teacher's department where he was greeted by a group of teachers that had pity in theur eyes. One of them told him that his sister, Izumi, was badly injured, and she was in a hospital. Shocked and worried, Yuuji ran to the hospital. When he found the room where Izumi was staying in, Yuuji burst in through the doors to find Izumi laying on a bed. A cast was wrapped around her foot, and her face was badly brused. He ran to her side and said,
"Are you ok? What happened?"
She replied by saying, "I'm ok....My classmates at school just didn't want me there. They said that I joined the class too late, and I wouldn't make it to the end." Izumi started crying, and Yuuji comforted her.
Inraged by what he heard, Yuuji stayed with his sister until she fell asleep, and left for her school. At her school, Yuuji burst into the conference room where the students were having an assembly. He ran up on stage and shouted, "Who did this?! Who did this to my sister? This is only her second day of school, so why is she already in the hospital with a cast around her foot and her face all bruised up? What could she have done to make you so upset? Tell me!"
Seeing that no one was giving him an answer, Yuuji asked which line was Izumi's class. Everyone pointed to one of the lines, and Yuuji walked towards it. Unfortunately, some of the teachers stopped him before Yuuji could do anything.

Chapter 4, Making a visit to the police station:

Soon, the police arrived, and they interrogated each of Izumi's classmates. While waiting for the police to get to the bottom of this, Yuuji went to Aki's school to pick her up. Together, they went back to the hospital, where Yuuji left Aki with Izumi. Then, Yuuji went back to Izumi's school and waited for the police to give him an update. After waiting for another few hours, the police came out of the room and told him that they found the people responsible for this. They said that it was the plan of three students in Izumi's class. It seems that they were known for bullying others, and Izumi was their next target. The police also told Yuuji that they would take care of those students, so Yuuji didn't have to worry. After all this was over, Yuuji went back to the hospital and took Aki home.
After a week, Izumi was discharged from the hospital, and they all went back home together.
The next day, after school, Izumi told Yuuji that the 3 students had transfered schools.

And the three siblings had peace once again.