

I'm Sorry Mayo (2).
On the fourth of June 2007 at about 6am, I woke up to the choking smell of burnt beans my roommate forgot on the burner before leaving for class. The room was covered up in smoke that I could hardly breathe. I wondered what had gone wrong with him and why he was careful with everything else except the last portion of beans left in the room and my life. Quickly I turned off the burner and while I was trying to clear out the mess he had made, my phone rang.

Tears rolled down my cheeks while I coughed non-stop. It was my Dad calling. I was more curious than shocked. Not because he was calling but because he was calling at that time, considering the fact that I had been trying to get through to him for weeks but he deliberately ignored and frustrated my effort. Reluctantly I answered the call. I had a lot to tell him about my school, feeding and lots of other things but as typical as my father, He does all the talking as long as he is the one calling. I remembered he talked at length about how he wanted me to come home so I'd accompany him to Uncle Joe, his Elder brother's house which was a few distance from where we lived for reasons I didn't care about then and still don't care about now. He believes I have some form of charm that always cajoled Uncle Joe to go an extra mile for him whenever I'm around and for some awkward reason he was right.

However, one thing he didn't stop to think about was that I WAS IN SCHOOL which was still in full session at the time. He didn't care how I was faring and how he hadn't sent a dime to me since the Semester began.

Well then again, that's not the reason for this.

I though about how it would profit me greatly if I went with him. Uncle Joe was really generous in his own way. So I accepted to go with him but didn't say it out loud. I told him I would think about it. The visit was in two days but he didn't talk about my transportation fare back home.

After I was done cleaning, I dropped my phone on a drum of water around the Kitchen area which was half full. I was so lost in thoughts that I couldn't remember what I was thinking about in the first place but I remember taking out my phone from the bottom of the drum of water and still can't explain how it fell in. Out of frustration, I dashed into the bathroom with a bucket of water, had my bath, packed up a few clothes, left a written note for my roommate and headed straight for the park. Yes, I was going home. Little did I know that it was the biggest mistake of my life.

Prior to that time, I didn't have a dime in hand for food but on that day, it was quite strange how I got transportation fare back home without breaking a nail. Need I tell you that my phone was entirely damaged? Anyways, I got home about three hours later. When I got into the compound, everywhere was unusually quiet, like if I had a pin and it dropped, I bet I would hear the sound of it. Where was everyone? Why wasn't anyone around? I had thought. I went to my door and searched everywhere possible for the key but to no avail so I reclined in the old worn out leather sofa in front of my house, just beside the door. I missed home and was terribly hungry. Did I mention I stayed at a face-me, I-face-you apartment? (That is, a compound in which the houses, mostly one bedroom apartments are quite small and closely packed with the apartments facing each other). We were not rich but we were okay.

While I was thinking about my phone and all I had lost in it, Mayo walked out of the bathroom which was at a corner in the compound in her pink Barbie towel and an empty bucket in her hand. Just then I realised that there wasn't a padlock on her door. Oh my World! Suddenly the anger, hunger and frustration I felt, disappeared. Finally, something great comes along, or so I thought.........TO BE CONTINUED.

© Eva Diaries