

Dandy was a cute young guy, not by looks alone, but his pocket was damn cute.

Beebee had trusted God and prayed fervently for a rich spouse in future, she wouldn't even imagine settling for less as she had experienced unpleasant times growing up with her mum. Her mum did not go by the advice of looking out for a wealthy man but she foolishly sought love. The love eventually fed her with poverty and left her by herself after a while... those were Beebe's thoughts

Beebee feels that love is a waste of energy as it usually ends up in shambles; I mean, why do we fall in love when love will die? why do people fall in love when they are always breaking up, will love pick the bills?.... Beebee started looking out for money.

Dandy's mum had told several friends of hers that all she wanted for her son was a young lady who will respect her son; it does not matter if she is from a very poor family. She had seen young men become the beast they did not plan to become just because they ended up with some spoilt brat who could not just be as submissive as the Bible demands. Dandy's mum was ready to give her all to that good girl who was going to say yes to her dear son whether rich or poor. Good manners and being God fearing was all she wanted.

Beebee's Aunty had groomed her to act as though she was from a wealthy family whenever she was around a guy who looked just like what she had prayed for. Beebee became an expert in this game; to her, this was called: Attract your likes not your kind
Although,she hasn't been lucky so far.

Dandy meets Beebee.

It was love at first sight. It was very early in the morning as she was going to throw the trash out. Beebee had no wig on niether did she have make up on, she wore a very decent night wear. Dandy was in that neighborhood to deliver the monthly family usuald, to the family his mom had raized him to take up as a project ( In Dandy's family, they had a project for each child, you will find a family you can support immediately you get into the university, you will share your very rubost simester allowance to assist their children, feeding or whatever needs. At graduation, your commitment to this project determines what type of graduation gift you will get from your parents) Dandy, as the second born of the family wouldn't dear mess up, he saw how his dad fulfilled his promise to his immidiate older brother who got an SUV car, a cute bongalow and a good appointment in his dad's best friend's office; what a good way to start his life, His brother did well in his own project by ensuring his project family had their two sons attend at least a cheap private school and he was responsible for their clothing (they did neat fairly used clothes and shoes on special days like Christmas and Easter)

Dandy, though through with school was still attached to the poor widow who was his own project. He visited the neighborhood every month to see her and to bless her with her needs. Little wonder was it when Dandy's blessings obviously came from God in ways even his parents were surprised about. Today, Dandy has been employed as an expertrait in his own country. What an honour; one who invests and wipes off the tears of a suffering widow borrows to God and God does not owe. This boy called Dandy is super rich, he loves God and he loves to help. His wealth amazes even his wealthy parents

Dandy approached Beebee, she lied that she only came to visit an old aunt, she said she couldn't drive here because the roads were bad. Dandy who had no issues with Beebe's back ground went ahead to propose to her after 6 months of courtship

While they were planning the wedding, Dandy's mum invited her son's widow project to enlighten her that when Dandy's marries, things may change Abit as he will now have to make decisions with his wife
Beebee came in, she did not know what the discussion was about, the old woman asked for a cup of water, Dandy asked Beebee to help with the water, Beebee thought it was time to begin to show the world her status as a Lady with many slaves and maids; instead of getting up to go and get the water or at most instructing the maid to please bring the water, she ignored Dandy's plea and yelled out the name of one of the maids to Carry out the task( in Dandy's family, they don't intimidate maids)

Dandy's mum wrote that down and many more of Beebee's disturbing attitude, she told her God this wasn't her ideal Esther for her Son, she saw Dandy uncomfortable most of the time because she did not raise him to snub the needy niether did she raise him to ignore the feelings of others.

Beebee wasn't going to be that help mate; if they wanted to remain in wealth, they must keeping borrowing to God who rewards bountifully.

Dandy's mum did not have anymore words with her son, she powerfully but quietly prayed Beebee AWAY from her second son's life.

Beebee woke up one day and got really irritated by Dandy's Mr Nice Guy's attitude, she was pushed by an unknown force that made her slap Dandy when he got upset by a word she said to him.

Dandy immediately remembered his Dad's advise that says: if a lady ever raises up her hand to slap her future husband, it is also a glimpse into Domestic Violence, women like that also have the capacity to abuse their husbands, do not settle for less.

Dandy made up his mind

Beebee got a grip of herself away from the unknown force that made her commit errors but it was too late.

My Questions:
Did God answer Beebe's prayers to find a rich man?
Did God answer Dandy's mum's prayers?

God is a just God. it's left to you to do your path

Story by:
keji Olutunji Oladimeji
Created out of boredom from the Covid 19 lock down period in Nigeria

Spend time doing what you love.
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