

All about friendship....😉
Based on a true story....

In life, we meet people that are as close to us as family.
I heard my parents were getting divorced and my mother and I were leaving Italy for good. I hated the idea but I wanted to see my mother happy, after 20 years in a toxic relationship with dad, I knew she was happy to leave. My life completely changed, we moved to LA. Mom had landed a huge job opportunity and she just couldn't say no. I on the other hand had to adjust to my mom's new job and life style. I was required to join one of the most popular high schools in Los angels. I have to admit I wasn't so thrilled to be attending such a high class school but I did like the idea of being rich.
My first day of school is finally here and I'm nervous. I was never in the situation of how people would think of me. As I made my way into the school everyone started staring at me. My hands were sweating and my feet turned cold, when I saw one of popular girls walking up to me. I tried to avoid her but she stood directly in front of me blocking my way. I tried to walk around her but she grabbed my arm. I turned around pulled away and continued to walk. She then said "you're the new kid!" I didn't care to answer her I just kept walking.
She turned to her friends and wink at them then started to follow me. I was really starting to get annoyed so I turned around and asked harshly "why are you following me?" she laughed and then said "I was trying to get your attention after all you were gonna walk through the halls of death!!!"
I thought to myself she was just trying to harass me since I was new, so I asked her what was so bad that she had to get my attention? she said "you're cute I don't want you to get hurt." and I reply "you are very dramatic!" I walked away hoping she would just let me go, As I walked, I turned around to see if she was still following me but she wasn't to be seen. I kept walking trying to avoid any attention on myself. I got lost trying to find the principals office so I decided to ask someone for assistance.
There was this girl, who was reading near by and I found the right moment to ask "hey I'm new here can you help me find the principals office?" she had a pleasant smile when she answered " hi .....yeah sure it's two doors on your left" I thanked her and was on my way. At the office, the principal handed me a time table for all of my classes and a number to unlock my locker then welcomed me to the school. Heading to my first class took me a while since I didn't know where any of the rooms were. I finally found it and the teacher scolded me for being late then I apologize and explain why I was late. The teacher excused me and introduced me to the class. I was shy, so I kept looking at the floor the whole time until she said "Jimmy you can take your seat!" in relief I made myself comfortable when I heard a soft voice from the back of my head " hope your trip to the principals office was successful." I turned around in curiosity only to find the kind hearted girl who directed me to the principal office. I waited for the class to be dismissed before answering her cause I didn't want to get into trouble. I waited outside of the classroom for her and as she came out I answered her "hey didn't want to get you into trouble but my trip was successful thanks for asking!" she laughed and my whole world felt lighter and I got lost in her eyes for a moment. I could see was her lips moving, then she waved her hands over my face because I couldn't not stop staring at her . She then said " are you ok ? I said I'm Gianna Westsly" I finally snapped out of my fantasy and shook her hand and reply " sorry I'm Jimmy Fernandez." she smiled and gave me a tour of the entire school she introduced me to her friends. Gianna took me to the cafeteria to have lunch with me and then the day was about to end. As I was walking to the bus gianna was waving me goodbye, when one of the popular girls pushed her on purpose. She fell to the floor and I could see she felt embarrassed and hurt because everyone was laughing and staring at her. I turned away as if I had saw nothing, I didn't want her to think I'm like everyone at the school. Gianna immediately got up and ran away. I got home and immediately went to my room to get my chores over with when I got a call from mom she was going to be home late . I went to the kitchen and realized there was nothing to eat so I decided to go out for dinner . My parents always went out for dinner and it made me sad that none of them were with me at the moment . I took the car keys and drove through the town hoping to find a diner or just a pizza place when I came across a place called the ZONE . It seemed interesting so had to checked the place out .I went inside only to see the popular kids of my school hang here. A few of the football players from school noticed me and called me over to join them. I didn't want to be rude so I went over to their table. One of the guys asked if I ever played football it would be nice to have me as a member of the team. I told him I have never played football but I am into racing and fast cars. They seemed to liked me a lot and offered me a place on the team if ever want to give it a try. I told them I would think about it. I was having such a great time with the football players RICHARD an COOPER that I forgot to check the time it was after 1 AM and I knew if my mom found out that I was out late she'd kill me so I made up an excuse to leave and rushed home. I pulled in the drive way and saw my moms car I had no choice to brace myself for a long lecture. As I entered the door my mom went on and on about being home late and that I had responsibilities I knew I shouldn't have stayed out late but mom wasn't upset about me I didn't want to make her more mad so I just went to bed.
The next morning I went to the kitchen and mom was making breakfast. She calm so I decided to ask what was bothering her? she said it was nothing and tried avoiding any questions that I asked. I just got up and get dressed and I drove to school today cause I didn't want to take the bus. I pulled in the parking lot and as was locking up my car the crazy girl came back to harass me at least that's what I thought! I told her I wasn't in the mood for games and she actually spoke to me this time.

hi I'm Clara! I'm sorry about yesterday its not everyday we get a new rich guy from Italy come into our school...

And that gives you the right to annoy me?

Look I'm sorry I really like you just didn't how to say it. can you forgive me?

ok fine just stop being so weird it freaks me out ...

are we cool?

yeah we're cool just no funny business ok.

ok no funny business..... friends ?

yeah friends...

Clara and I kept our conversation going until she met up with her friends LILY an MIRANDA. She introduced me and went on talking about prom. Clara asked me if I was interested in going but I told her I wasn't sure if I was going to attend. Richard and Cooper shortly joined us and they shaked hands with me talking about and laughing about last night. Clara and her friends seemed confused as to how I knew the popular football players. Richard didn't mind to tell them what had happened. It made Clara more interested in me. The bell rang and I had my first class of the day when I saw Gianna again. Gianna hugged me, she told me that it's great to see me again I said the same thing to her when Clara intervened. She pushed Gianna away from me and pulled me to where the popular kids sit she told me that I was one of them now and that I shouldn't be seen or hanging out with people like Gianna Westley. I could clearly see that Clara had a major problem with Gianna but I didn't care I really liked Gianna. I sat with Clara and her friends throughout the class and I secretly sent a note to Gianna asking her to meet me after school. I waited in the parking lot for almost and hour Gianna wasn't to be seen anywhere. I got worried and started looking for her, what I saw next I couldn't help it I had to know what was going on. Clara, lily and miranda were insulting her, they pushed her to the floor and emptied her bag, scattered her books on the floor and then left. Gianna started crying and I felt pained I had to help her. I came out of hiding and rushed to help her pick up her books and help her off the floor. Gianna looked at me and fainted into my arms.
I was helpless I didn't know what to do I took her to the hospital. I waited for an hour before the doctor said she was ok the nurse called her parents I didn't want my mom to know so left and went home. I laid in my bed all night thinking about Gianna and I then I thought how mean Clara was something had to happen between them. The next day Gianna waited for me by my car when school was dismissed. I couldn't help but feel happy to see her I hugged her and asked how she was doing she said she was ok and started to tell me that she can't be seen with me cause the popular kids won't allow it. I had to put my foot down and I asked "why gianna? why can't I be seen with you they push you around and you sit there and let them do this to you?" Gianna bent her head and said that I could never understand why because I'm new here but being popular is everything to Clara whenever she feels threatened she attacks. I couldn't just stand there and hear all that I knew I had to do something. Everyday I went to school I would walk pass Clara and her friends. Whenever they waved at me I looked the other way. Clara knew I was angry so she had to find out. I was getting my math book out of my locker when clara came up to me asked what was wrong ? why was I avoiding her!. I told her I knew what she did to gianna and I hated to see that she took advantage of her like that. Clara tries to clear her name by lieing to me. I didn't want to hear so walked away. she started screaming at me. Gianna tthanked me for standing up for her and I told her I'd continue to do just that. gianna and I became really close friends we share everything together. Sometimes gianna would disappear for a week or more and then come back to school. She said she does extra work to get more Marks during exams. Everyone in school we're talking about us that we were in love, until one day gianna said she didn't feel the way I felt. It's been four years since I've known gianna all this time I thought she had felt the same way about me, but I was wrong. I felt hurt but I never let gianna see that. I knew she was having a hard time at school, I didn't want to make it worse. I remained silent for the sake of our friendship. Everyday gianna and I would hang out watch movies and play games at my house until one day gianna said maybe I should throw a party at home. I didn't really like the idea but it meant something to gianna, so I asked my mom, surprisingly she said yes!
It's a week away from the party and I was getting excited. I never hosted a party before so I called gianna and we had all her friends come over to help. I opened up my house to things I wasn't even comfortable with, little did I know the party wasn't meant for spending time with gianna. The day of the party, I took gianna out to get a few things and she seemed nervous, so I asked in a joked way if she was meeting someone tonight. she smiled and said "jimmy stop ok you're my best friend I'm just excited for tonight!"
It didn't bothered me after that, so I let it be .Gianna bought alot of liquor and beers which I wasn't to comfortable with cause it was surpose to be a few friends. I was starting to think I made a mistake but I didn't want to be a party pooper, so I went with the flow. At 6PM everything was ready my mom wasn't coming home until the day after since she had an emergency at work and had to fly out. I was excited Gianna , her friends and I circled the dining table to play a game of beer pong when I noticed alot of people were attending the party I pulled gianna in a corner and asked who invited all those people she said she did. I said ok and continued to play the game. I had never drank before, so I got high and couldn't control anything or myself . I went upstairs to my bedroom to lie down ,when gianna followed me. everything was blurry to me but I still knew what was going on. Gianna told me to lie down and don't worry she would handle everything. I couldn't help myself I started to tell gianna how I felt and I accidentally kissed her. Gianna kissed me back with interest and passion for a moment, then she pushed me away and said she had a boyfriend and he's down stairs. My heart broke and gianna left the room I became angry and that sense of hurt reminded me of my parents my mom ! I went down stairs and switched off the music and chased everyone out of my house gianna tries to calm me down but I didn't want to hear what she had to say then I turned I saw her boyfriend who was an old friend of mine in Italy. It killed me to see them together but I just wanted to be alone. The next day I started to clean up the mess I made and when my mother came home I explained what had happened. My mother told me that love can be hard when the person you love doesn't love you back and it makes no sense trying to be someone you are not just because doesn't love you it doesn't mean you can't find it again, just be yourself. I have to admit my mom did made me feel better , then to hear a knock on the door. It was giannas boyfriend who's my old friend damon. Damon said he didn't know gianna knew me and he wished he had known earlier everytime gianna missed school was because of him gianna lied to me. damon said that he loves gianna, but she broke up with him last night and he's going back to Italy. Damon left me confused gianna said she a boyfriend but broke up with damon so who is her boyfriend? it s Monday morning and the news of the party were just the biggest failure of my life I had to hide my face at school. I ran into the bathroom only to find gianna and Richard lips locked and hands everywhere. gianna and Richard had been together a while but kept it hidden because of Clara. Richard was Clara's ex boyfriend. I kept it a secret but I never let myself down ever again.I graduated and as for gianna she ended up pregnant before exam so she had to leave school. I have never stop being there for her we did get closer and promised to never let go if she promised to never lie to me but I could never love her the way i did.....Gianna became family to me and now I'm getting married to a girl I really love and I have to admit it was worth it...........
Sometimes we love the wrong people but they become friends and friends becomes family so IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FRIENDSHIP we keep with the people we love makes us realize who we want to be...