

then and before I know im my own boss on how it's gonna be and how tell it for other people to also see if course how.it really is in the world
I just dont even know anymore what to think in my head about love honesty loyalty. Like what is it really when everyone is just out to fuck you over and screw your mind so bad you cant even put two and two together to make one.

I just dont even know anymore what to think in my rattling brain about this shit whatever you call it, i really. Just call it out how i see it. And in my eyes . there aint nothing id like to try to see. In lust or anything.

My threading just wasnt enough for your short weaved fuck faces to even try to intellectually figure me out in any way shape or form . . i could honestly say i am truly broken inside and out.
But that doesnt concern anyone really cause i dont wish for sympathy. Just understanding.

And there isnt any. There really is just a one sided road and everyones trying to go the same fuckn way. Like get the fuck out of my way bitch.
This feeling ive lost basically was gone halfway to the end but at least i never gave up. Thats just always the difference between me and real man cunt

But lets just be honest. Ill figure it out always do. And in the end im all like idgafau. Cause these hopes and dreams ive always had are crushed forever but probly crushed way long time ago. When it was just me on the streets

Never standing still always trying to find a way
Never giving up . hope like hell is about to take out earth in one day so we can all just explode in peace. Like we should be doing in about so many fn years but ill be dead by then. Probly buried in a tree that i like. Hahaha

But in all reality we all just try to do what we can to bottle up our strength and move forward and not let anyone let me down besides myself. So that way it is easier to pick my damnself back up without having to wipe the dirt off my clothes from being shoved down to the fuckn ground like always. .

In my defence. Im just a heartbroken young women not looking for anything at all besides peace. And to be left alone.