

Control | Facade
Once upon a time, in a small town filled with dreams and ambition, there was a group of kids who believed they were destined to dominate the world. They were filled with confidence and believed that they possessed the power to control everything and everyone around them. Little did they know, their journey would lead them to a peculiar story about a man who knew a control freak, the likes of which had never been seen before.

This control freak, named Evelyn, had a desperate desire to control the lives of others because her own life was filled with pain and disappointment. She had experienced heartbreak and failure, and she believed that by exerting power over others, she could finally regain some sense of control in her own life.

Evelyn's tactics were oppressive and manipulative. She would weave intricate webs of deceit, convincing others that she knew what was best for them. She reveled in the control she thought she had, relishing in the fear and obedience her tactics elicited.

But as time passed, Evelyn began to realize that her iron grip on the lives of those around her was nothing more than an illusion. She discovered that no matter how much she tried to control others, she could never truly hold power over them. People rebelled, saw through her facade, and fought against her oppressive ways.

With each failure, Evelyn's desperation grew. She felt her grasp slipping away, and it terrified her. In an attempt to hold on to the last shred of control she believed she had, she resorted to destroying herself. She compromised her character, spirit, morality, purity, and even her own soul.

As Evelyn embarked on this path of self-destruction, she realized the harsh truth; by trying to control someone else, she had lost control of herself. The once bright and vibrant light within her had been extinguished. Her actions left her feeling empty, abandoned by the trust she so desperately sought.

In the end, Evelyn came to a profound realization. She discovered that true control was an illusion, and the quest for power over others had cost her everything that truly mattered. She had lost her authenticity and any chance of finding genuine happiness.

Evelyn's story serves as a cautionary tale for all who seek to control and dominate. It reminds us that power should not be abused or used to manipulate others. Though the kids who initially believed they could conquer the world may have learned a valuable lesson from Evelyn's downfall, they also saw the importance of relinquishing control and embracing the freedom that comes from allowing others to be themselves.

And so, the kids who once dreamt of dominating the world set out on a new path, one that emphasized collaboration, compassion, and understanding. They realized that true greatness lies not in controlling others, but in empowering each individual to reach their full potential. And in this newfound mindset, they discovered a world that was both beautiful and fulfilling.
© NightSwimThePoet