

Gone By Sunrise: (Chapter 6)
Chapter 6: The Cost of Curiosity

Adrian disappeared into the shadows as swiftly as he had arrived, leaving Damian standing alone in the moonlit square. Anger and frustration boiled within him, but he forced himself to stay, watching the village come to life even at this late hour. He observed the humans from a distance, their laughter and mundane conversations a stark contrast to his own existence.

Eventually, with a heavy heart, Damian decided it was time to return home. The walk through the forest felt longer than usual, each step weighed down by the events of the evening. As he approached the palace, he sensed something was amiss. The air was thick with tension, and the usual stillness of the night was replaced by an unsettling silence.

Entering the grand hall, Damian was greeted by a sight that made his blood run cold. His father, Victor, stood at the head of an angry council of vampires, their eyes blazing with disapproval. Behind them, Adrian lingered, looking unusually uneasy. Their mother, Seraphina, watched from the side, her expression filled with worry.

"Damian," Victor's voice was like ice. "Step forward."

Damian obeyed, his heart pounding. "Father, what is this about?"

Victor's eyes narrowed. "We have learned the main purpose of your nightly excursions. The council allowed you to observe the world in order to prepare you for the title you are to be bestowed with but you have decided to fraternize with humans, and thus putting our entire existence at risk."

Damian shot a glance at Adrian, who avoided his eyes. "But I haven't done anything to endanger us," Damian protested. "I've been careful."

"Careful?" Victor echoed, his voice rising. "Your actions have been reckless and irresponsible. You have broken our most sacred rule."

Adrian shifted uncomfortably, his usual bravado replaced with an unusual silence. Damian couldn’t understand why his brother, who typically cared for nothing but his wine and solitude, would betray him now.

"We cannot allow this to continue," Victor declared. "You are forbidden to leave the castle grounds."

Before Damian could react, two guards stepped forward and clasped a magical anklet around his leg. The metal was cold against his skin, and he winced as it began to burn slightly.

"This anklet is enchanted," Victor explained. "It will burn you if you try to leave the castle grounds, even at night. You will remain here, where we can ensure your obedience."

One of the oldest council members, Hearth, began to recite a spell which had instantly turned the anklet invisible, as if it wasn't even there. But the weight of the anklet remained as a reminder for his sin.

Damian was in awe for a moment but realized the conundrum he was in as his eyes started to blaze with fury. "Father, this is unnecessary! I can handle myself."

"It is necessary," Victor replied coldly. "You have proven that you cannot be trusted."

As the council began to disperse, Damian turned to Adrian, his voice low and filled with betrayal. "Why, Adrian? Why would you do this? You never cared about anything but your own indulgences."

Adrian looked away, guilt flickering across his face. "I had my reasons," he muttered, but offered no further explanation.

Damian's fists clenched in anger. "This isn't over."

Victor's voice rang out once more. "Return to your quarters, Damian. And remember, disobedience will not be tolerated."

Seraphina approached, placing a gentle hand on Damian's arm. "Please, Damian. Just for now, comply. We'll find a way through this."

Damian nodded stiffly, his mind racing. He knew he had to find a way to remove the anklet and regain his freedom. But for now, he was trapped, bound by the rules of his family and the betrayal of his brother.

As he retreated to his room, the weight of his confinement settled heavily on his shoulders. The palace, once a place of refuge, now felt like a gilded cage. He gazed out the window, longing for the night when he could be free again, and for the human girl who had unknowingly become a beacon of hope in his dark world.

© sionx