

What Jesus did for my community (1/2)

The religion of my community was spiritism/macumba/candomblé. It is an evil religion that has repetitive chants to the sound of drums and in which people really like to wear red and white clothes.... This religion was very strong here, almost all the people here were of this religion and this religion began to " do harm to the people", for you to be aware there was a neighbor of mine who lived near the hall of this religion who started to fall she fainted too much she had a consultation and there was no result in the medical exams so my father prayed for her, her mother tried to get herself kill twice hanged from a tree and again she disappeared and I and other people went after her and we found her near the macumba hall under rubble it's like there's a magnet there. And for you to see when my father prayed for the girl she was unconscious but the demon possessed she said that the macumbeiro who lived near her house was attacking her, the demon himself spoke the truth. And in the crossroads of the streets here, the people found a lot of witchcraft practices, even on top of my church they threw witchcraft works, but against Jacob there are no spells. And a sister of that girl who fainted started having nightmares at night she saw Goku from dragonballz wanting to kill her every night until the day my father prayed for her.
And today the two macumbeiros in my community are dead forever. This religion brought madness to people here and a lot of divorce/separation of couples today everything is quiet here and I see that this peace will last for many years.
One of the macumbeiros even attended my church before he died, and the only daughter of the other macumbeiros now attends my church. I prayed a lot for my community because I have a thirst for justice and a desire to speak the truth. 2 Chronicles 7:14. and if my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land . Today the religion here is Christianity and Catholicism.
© RaquelCosta