

Me & Ikenna
I slithered away from the arms which no doubt gave a wholesome blend of irresistible warmth and pleasure with the pleasant deodorant smell from his shirt. With perpetual pants, readjusting my hijab, I stuttered, "Ikenna, this is unholy! Let's not do this again please".
I am a 17-year old breed of an overly religious Islamic family from the North, Katsina. The Subi, Asr, Zuhr, Magrib and Ishaa daily prayer routine or better still, ritual characterizes the faint black scar on my forehead which certainly does not alter my radiant beauty. I understand the tenets of Islam but don't seem to decipher why it disallows my liberty to permit the emotion of such irrepressible affection that emits from my heart to Ikenna. However, regardless of whatever dominates my emotions, consenting to Ikenna's never ending request for intimate pleasure would be a disaster! Alfa Kabiru of Tawakalitu Mosque only expects to conduct my Waleemat quaran ceremony in two weeks before I leave for my tertiary education and not the christening of a baby. Ahlaji Dafiu perpetually raises boastful choruses in praise of her daughter. His fore investment on my potentials has obviously proven to be credible and so his consistent care continues. Therefore, a protruded stomach hidden under a plain and extremely wide hijab would indeed be dreary!
"How long will you keep restraining from me Shaki?" Ikenna stuttered after gulping down the litres of saliva in his mouth which had gathered out of agitation. "In a fortnight, we would be extremely far apart. You, Zaria. Me, England!" I shrugged as though there was nothing to worry about Ikenna's last words but it all suddenly made sense as my eyes helpelssly got teary, rolling trickles of warm drops down my chubby cheeks. Ikenna passionately held my hands with a grasp which again began to pass messages of reassurance of safety and protection to me as I helplesssly fell back to his chest. I undoubtedly admitted in silence the solace I always found in the warm hugs of Ikenna. I had once stealthily placed my hands on his chest and then moved my hands to feel the full, dry and black bristles of hair elegantly attached to his jaw while he slept. Ikenna mildly brought me downwards to sit on the well laid bed which must have stared and hoped that I resisted the unholy urge burning in Ikenna, suspending two bodies for as long as infinity would be hectic! Unfortunately, the love birds voraciously landed on the "hoping bed" with passionate intimacy which lasted for as long as "long"... After all, the house had always been void of the presence of Ikenna's parents since tours, expeditions, appointments and business trips always kept them away from home. So, for me and Ikenna, it was a whole, long and pleasurable adventure with a damn to consequences thereafter!

© Arebamen Emmanuel

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