

The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the curb with white chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours.
Even though Riley was comfortable with not going to the party, Bailey was. She thought of all the fun they would have and friends they would make rather than cuddling with pieces of boxes drawn with a chalk.
" Riley it won't hurt to meet new people you know" Bailey jumped out of the hop scotch and turned to her best friend. " I mean it could be nice knowing other people, maybe will could make new friends"
Riley snarled. "I'm good with having one friend and that's you"
Riley walked side by side with Bailey holding each other's hands. They walked into the dark hallways with all the different lights illuminating the hallway. Riley pulled down her skirt with her free hand for the 5th time. It was her first time going to a party and Bailey's too, or so she thought. She turned to look at Bailey as they walked. She didn't seem scared or anything, It was like she was stepping in her own world.
"hey stop there" a muscular bodyghard stopped them. He scanned them for a while and shook his head.
" you are way young to be in a club, 18 and upwards please"
Riley felt a feeling of relief wash over her. She didn't even want to be here, she was only doing this for Bailey. And how come it never crossed Baileys mind that they were just 12, Riley didn't know.
" we are with Rusev" Bailey shouted over the noise.
The bodyguard immidiatley opened for them to pass through. Riley eyes were wide open. She didn't even know who Rusev was and how he knew Bailey.
" I wanna use the bathroom. Let's go" Bailey shouted over the noise and pulled Riley past the sweaty bodies on the dance floor.
When they got into the bathroom Bailey immidiatley closed the door and stood in front of it.
Riley looked confused at Baileys sudden action.
She stood there for a minute before there was a knock on the door and four huge, muscular men walked in. One of them was the guard from the door. Riley's heart started pumping hard. She seemed to be the only one confused here.
The man in front with the huge beard handed Bailey a stash of cash. " nice working with you Andra, youll always be my favorite"
Bailey gave Riley a sympathetic look. " I'm sorry Riley, Family before anyone" with that she walked out of the bathroom and Riley was left with huge man she didn't even know.
She observed the man who was talking to Bailey and remembered when she had saw this man. He was the man who was at the family gathering at Baileys house.
" what are you waiting for, take her. We could make millions out of her, she'd really make a nice slave out there"
Riley stood there frozen. There would be no use in running, she was outnumbered.
One thing that rang in her head was.
" I'll be back for revenge Bailey or Andra, even if it took me a hundred years"
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