

Independent 2
"When i came in, Habeebah didn't say a thing"

" Ha! I knew you were looking for money and i was even trying to ask you but you were behaving somehow" Habeebah retorted.

"Esther, you know me if i see your money i would kindly keep it right in the cabinet for you" Rasheeda joined in.

"Well, that's okay everyone" I said.

"The money has not gone anywhere, I am sure it is within the house" I added trying to keep the peace.

Finally, silence crept in and everyone was quiet.
Not a sound was heard except that of Esther tossing and turning in bed. Then she got up, walked to the wardrobe to change to her casual outfit and made her way out of the apartment.

The smell of tomato sauce from the kitchen made it way into the bedroom where Habeebah and i was,the aroma filled my nostrils with enlightenment reminding me of Aunty's foreign cook. Esther and Rasheeda were in the kitchen cooking and chattering.

Shortly there was knock on the door, Esther quickly attended to the door and invited a girl into the room who happened to be her tailor. She walked in briskly and extended her greeting warmly.

"Good afternoon" She greeted.

"Good afternoon"

"Please, have a seat" i offered.

She gladly sat on the bed beside Habeebah waiting for Esther to retrieve her from her solitary visit.

© poetcspirit