

What would have happened if there was no water on earth?
What would have happened if there was no water on earth?

So this question would not have been asked, because without water, living things would not have come down to earth. Even if someone else had tried to bring her here, she would not have survived. Therefore, evolution would not have been the same as the emergence of human beings. So who would have asked this question and who would have asked it?

We call water life because water is the primary and most important need of living beings. Eighty percent of every cell in our body is made up of water. All the biochemical processes necessary for the survival of cells and therefore of all living things cannot be carried out without water. Once upon a time animals could live without food; But it is impossible to live without water.

  When the lunar spacecraft we installed around the moon found evidence of water on the moon, there was a great stir in the scientific world. Newspapers around the world gave the news great publicity. Because water is there, it also means that there is a possibility of life. So when we get the details of any planet or find a new planet, we first look at whether there is water. Because if there is no water, the chances of life emerging or taking root there are slim.

Yet the current global situation is such that what would happen if everyone lost groundwater? This question is troubling. This is because water cannot be produced. Just as energy cannot be created or destroyed, only its form keeps changing, so water cannot be created or destroyed, only its form keeps changing. So why worry that it will be destroyed?

  71% of the earth is covered by water; But only three percent of that water is sweet. Only one percent of that is available to you. The rest of the glaciers, glaciers and polar ice caps are trapped in it. The flowing water evaporates from the heat of the sun and falls back to the earth in the form of rain. But we waste it and pollute it. The natural water cycle purifies some of the water; But their proportions are also declining. Pollution from rivers like the Ganges has now reached alarming proportions. The condition of many rivers and lakes in the world is deteriorating. That is why in the nations, not only that, but in different states of the same country, a situation has arisen where water wars have broken out. Disputes over river waters between Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are a harbinger of this. Then the water on the earth will disappear and the very existence of today's advanced human beings will be endangered.