

"So what do you long for the most?" He asked.
"Apprenticeship," she said.
"From a poet"
"Haha, you must be kidding"
"No, I'm not."
"So, who is this Poet," he said
"Faiz Ahmed Faiz."
"I long to go back to the era where Faiz blessed the land of Lahore. To be at the same moment in time where Faiz poured himself out on paper. To be in Faiz Ahmed's Apprenticeship. To meet Faiz and gaze at his pen oozing ink, whose course was directed by his profundity. To learn his mastery of expression. To be nearby him to comprehend his depth. My longing for a teacher like him is insatiable. To get a small portion of his literary magic would be enough to satisfy my yearning."
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