

Turtleronically Committed
How ironic, is it , that in the clearest sense of what a word could be, one turn of the mind navigation allows the word to lose its meaning, and to become an empty vessel of delayed actions and spectacles?

A word called commitment, is a word that define the sovereignty and people's respect of one self. It is the act of planting a seed and observing it's growth, although it may look like nothing changes at all, as people garner reaction opposite to one's expectation, or what one believed to be the after effects according to societal norms.

Then again, it is a beautiful progression towards being of service, being of giver, being of selfless. It is a monumental, casual, yet a thorny path, that is leading us to our real homes.

And how, as I'm writing this, ironically too, I've just missed two of the daily commitments I made to myself.

So I comfort myself by writing about commitment, as it made me feel that I care and took it seriously enough to at least remind myself of its existence, and that I'm trying to live with it, despite my flaws and limitations.


© RLee