

Night moon beautiful
glass bridge crossing the design destiny
Moby running time why ?......this is not stopping all around snake of blood flow
drop shadow following ...... you are mine. don't run away from me there is no place for her remember I am always in your heart

wolf mountain they're time' travel with human world they are lot of power change any face they see invisible turn time use human desire etc

Wolf king Rang Mon he is the lover of human soul centuries

He never forget her searching everywhere for her fragrance Flame alive
Moby night dark day seems never come
I don't want hear your voice she loudly speak

Rang when time come you calle me
definitely Sure this time I am going
you call me I will come back to your

Days passing the night sleep silence nothing but she wakeup middle night
she can't sleep without voice but she don't trying to call him .

King you are okay Rang she definitely call me because she is me I am she we are same without me she can't live ..

Running lights of the heaven time fast come back home Moby living day but she feels uncomfortable I don't know what is happening my life

my dear wife you miss me in the middle of night we are always meet you
Moby I don't call you Why you are com here I don't call you Rana there is your heart missing me always what I do ?

you miss me....?

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