

The New Girl: -chapter 1 (My New Home)
In order to understand , finish it up!.......................
Hey,welcome to my world,i am Olivia also known as "The New Girl". my story begins......

After moving out of the old house with my family, we moved into a beautiful and well ventilated house .It wasn't that big and fancy but,nicely structured,well decorated,comfortable and well ventilated at least,more than the old house.
We had very loving neighbours and it gave me peace of mind cause our previous neighborhood was like everyday war .My mum always came back yelling and pissed.At a time, she had a physical fight with our neighbour . well that's not a one to remember! . The most exciting part was that i was resuming a new school tho,my younger brother Charles, wasn't happy cause he was really missing his friends and so would i.Even with that, we still kept in contacts with our friends. But,in life we move on and explore right?
I spent the whole day in my medium sized room decorated with flowers,my favourite artists and few Disney princesses. It was painted nude and lying by the corner , was my reading table which had my books,reading lamp,my writing materials and my computer on it. I laid staring at the celling with a smile but my mind immediately diverted to my new school.Thinking of my new friends,the cute boys and all the college drama made me smile more.
"krrrrrr" "krrrrrrr" "krrrrrrrrr"i heard a noise in my sleep "krrrr" "krrrrr" "krrrrrr" it continued, still with my eyes closed, i grumbled but didn't still open my eyes .It sounded like a ringtone? no!! my alarm clock!! I shouted aloud as i rose with force."Ahhhh am already so late " i said ....(Door opens and mum steps in)
"Dear, you need to get ready we are leaving soon" mum said.....
I stood up and went to get ready and all i could think of in the shower was my New School. I rushed downstairs and saw Charles all dressed up and having his breakfast with no complain,well,that was a good sign of progress. I tapped him by the shoulder and said "Hmmm, seems like someone is happy today" saying that with a smile and raised one of my brows up, he then returned my greetings with a frown and then shoved my hand off his shoulder. well, i guess i was wrong but anyways sooner or later he has to accept the truth and come back to reality.
I sat down and had my breakfast ,chatting and cracking jokes with my family trying to put a smile on Charles' face but the mission failed...lol
Later on......

Watch out for part 2
stay tuned !!