

puff , "The Magic Locness Monster"

I was thinking the other day about how we chase our dreams or ideas no matter how much it seems we are” Tilting at Windmills “ or how farcical it may seem to others . When it occurred to me what was I chasing?At one point in my life I tried to find a way to be a Supermodel yet that had led me to great disappointment . Maybe I should start a new hobby, maybe I should take up chasing dragons ? or would that end up in a puff of smoke . Some people spend their entire lives chasing the loch ness monster for example . This sounded good in theory. Though how the bloody Nora was I going to get to Scotland?. I guess I could start a page on Facebook begging people to donate to my proceeds to fund my adventure to find the Loch Ness monster . Although what would I find if this did work out ? A monster big enough to kill me or perhaps nothing at the end of that particular yellow brick road . However after various searches and updates on the Loch Ness monster it didn't seem that I was getting anywhere ( hence after my disappointment of the last sighting of the Loch Ness monster being never ). I stopped and thought, should I continue this facebook fund page or just stop tilting at the windmills in my mind. So I decided to stop searching and just go on doing things that fill me with contentment . As for all I know I could have gone crazy over this lackluster endeavor of finding the loch ness monster or have been killed by it

© Lee Lee