

Dawkins Day Off (101 Dalmatian street)
The muggy Camden sky seemed to blot out any traces of the sun, casting a dark haze over 101 Dalmatian Street. Most of the pups had elected to stay inside, save for a few who prefer the stuffy weather. Much of the family was relaxing and spending their time indoors, enjoying their youthfulness. One dalmatian in particular, however, was not filled with this same level of peacefulness. Dawkins was analyzing the minor holes in the floor of the living room, no doubt a sign that Diesel had been there before heading out for the day. Dawkins grabbed a small notepad he kept on his person at all times and wrote "Fix Diesel's holes" to the already overflowing list of things he had to do today.

The list was already three pages long and the day had hardly even started yet. The worst part? This was an easy workload for Dawkins. With a deep sigh the young pup set out to deal with his siblings messes and make sure that everything was taken care of. As he went to the shed to collect things to complete his work he heard a familiar "Bow-Wacka-Wow" overhead. He looked up and, sure enough, Dolly had tried to build ANOTHER skate ramp. After pulling out his notepad once again and doing some quick writing Dawkins fetched a bed and placed it not far from the ramp before heading back inside. He could hear the sounds of Dolly laughing goofily as she landed safely on the provided landing spot. A faint "Thanks Dawk!" Could be heard as he dragged a bag full of supplies into the house. Dawkins flipped through his list and began working from the top floor down, gluing broken furniture, replacing dirt covered pictures, and filling in dug up holes. It took Dawkins a few hours and quite a bit of work, but he had finally finished. He quickly headed to his study to work before the pups could break anything else.

Dawkins rolled out a small blueprint he had been working...