

Him, her, coffee
It was a new day and the sun was shining in the blue sky. Everything seemed normal. He had his navy suit on with his white shirt as it was dress code. He was having his usual breakfast, eggs, bacon and toast with black coffee. Then something changed...he saw HER... Her long, dark, silky hair fell in soft curls down her neck to her shoulders. Her brown eyes reminded him of Autumn leaves. Her smile lit up the entire room and gave away her pure intentions. The black dress fit just perfectly around her slim waist and complimented her hourglass figure. She was standing at the bar in the coffee shop. "Americana with a hint of cream, please." She looked away for just a split second and noticed the man standing in the reastraunt opposite to where she was. He was staring at her. You know when you kind of get the feeling someone's there, the way you can feel their eyes puncture your heart, even without seeing them physically? Yeah, she knew. As she looked up for the third time and realized that he hadn't taken his eyes off of her and still had that look on his face, he gave a shy smile, lifted his right hand slowely and finger -by-finger waved. His hazel eyes sparkled magnificently. She giggled to herself as she thought of an inappropriate joke she just made up. "His eyes are almost as glittery as Edward from Twighlight's body when in contact with rays of sunlight." She smiled back and slightly bit her lip. Damn, was he cute! He was thinking the same thing about her. She struggled to not stare too much, but boy, was it difficult! "The name's John," he said, lifting one eyebrow. "I've came to the conclusion that you clearly find me as attractive as I find you, how about coffee...uuuhmmm...I'm sorry, didn't catch the name?" "Layla," she said, admiring his confidence, yet despising the fact that he thinks his cute punchline might work. It was true after all. She did find him excruciatingly handsome. His dark brown hair that was neatly combed backwards, making a slight bubble at the top, his square jaw, dimples in his cheeks. His olive complexion. And he was in shape, if you know what I mean. But she wasn't going to let him read her thoughts just yet. Little did he know she was going to be the one calling the shots. She scraped together some guts and said in a calm, yet sexy and confident tone: "Starbucks, eight. You will pick me up in this location..." She said showing him her office-adress on maps. He asked for her number, but before he could retrieve the answer, she was gone. Only the sweet fragrance of her rose perfume had stayed, lingering above his head, giving him a taste of the devine pleasure he was yet to descover.
Do you believe in fate? Could it be that they were meant to both be there, in that location at that precise time, having that encounter? That he was going to find out real soon.