


The Broken Mirror

They turn reality on its head, reversing our 'true' picture, swapping our image, creating confusion. They represent truth and illusion at the same time. They show us ourselves as we are - yet not quite -and we see a new world to explore behind the mirror that we can't access.
A broken mirror is different. They are more than the whole, the reflection created by them is a monster, fragments of the world that combine to show us the ugliness that the whole mirror hides. They force us to confront the beast inside us, the demon that cowers in reflections.
Break the mirror and close your eyes. Because what you're seeing now, looking into that perfect silver plate, it's not you. It's just your shell. A shell meant to be peeled off to expose what's inside, the part of yourself that you hide from the world.
Seven years bad luck. A myth created to stop you breaking the mirror, stop you from realising the truth. For the truth is that hatred and fear clear our vision in shattered reflections, and we no longer see each other. We only see the faces of monsters, the true reflections hiding behind the looking glass. That gives us the courage to destroy each other. There are those who fear that, they fear the true reflections of their souls. And there are those who embrace it. Who let it give them power, strength. Those who let their demons run wild. They are called mad by the rest of us, dangerous, cruel, but in reality they are only showing what we are too afraid to show. There are those that are good, kind, charming, but even they are hiding their true self, hiding their monsters, blocking them off with the wall of the mirror. Blocking their reflections from this life. Hiding from themselves the fact that the world is ugly, cruel, and the human is the epitome of this cruelty. The human is the body of evil.
Don't keep dancing with the devil and wondering why you are in hell. Dance with the devil, and let your own devil take over. Don't let the mirror blind you from the truth.
They want to see you do good, but never better than them. Because then they will begin to see their own monster, their own devil, the part of themselves that they have tried to hide for so long. Remember that.
There is a monster hiding in the mirror, one that only comes out when the cracks show. It can destroy you, or create you.
But I prefer a broken mirror. It is the only time I can look at my reflection, and it is just as broken as the rest .....