This story is partially based on a true story...
Around two years ago I travelled the countryside by Road to a state in which my friends used to live. I reached in the house of my friends and they welcomed me greatly enough to please me...
"hey! you are here!! " said maddy a friend of mine
"surprise" I said
"woah" said george
Then we just put some snacks in our stomachs. and talked for almost four solid hours
"I want to host a picnic for us" George said proudly
"great idea buddy" I said
"okay, but where will we go?" said maddy
"that you'll decide" said george
"uttarakhand (a state in India)" said maddy
"good idea !" I and george both spoke this together
The plan was decided that we'll head to uttarakhand (a state in India) for picnic
I was so excited for the picnic that I...
Around two years ago I travelled the countryside by Road to a state in which my friends used to live. I reached in the house of my friends and they welcomed me greatly enough to please me...
"hey! you are here!! " said maddy a friend of mine
"surprise" I said
"woah" said george
Then we just put some snacks in our stomachs. and talked for almost four solid hours
"I want to host a picnic for us" George said proudly
"great idea buddy" I said
"okay, but where will we go?" said maddy
"that you'll decide" said george
"uttarakhand (a state in India)" said maddy
"good idea !" I and george both spoke this together
The plan was decided that we'll head to uttarakhand (a state in India) for picnic
I was so excited for the picnic that I...