

This story is partially based on a true story...

Around two years ago I travelled the countryside by Road to a state in which my friends used to live. I reached in the house of my friends and they welcomed me greatly enough to please me...
"hey! you are here!! " said maddy a friend of mine
"surprise" I said
"woah" said george
Then we just put some snacks in our stomachs. and talked for almost four solid hours
"I want to host a picnic for us" George said proudly
"great idea buddy" I said
"okay, but where will we go?" said maddy
"that you'll decide" said george
"uttarakhand (a state in India)" said maddy
"good idea !" I and george both spoke this together

The plan was decided that we'll head to uttarakhand (a state in India) for picnic
I was so excited for the picnic that I started shopping for me about four months before the trip

The whole plan was decided; it would be a road trip rather than a simple rail trip; I would drive the car; maddy would take care of our food and drinks and george would pay the fees of the whole trip... I was quite happy that I am having only one work to do...

The day came when we were off to head towards uttarakhand . as I have told you earlier that uttarakhand is a state in India
We packed all our essentials and sat in the car...

The estimated time was six but we were two hours late it was eight of the evening

suddenly, George felt something strange

"She is here I can feel the presence of her!" George screamed
"what happened bro ?!" maddy said
I stopped the car immediately

"seven months ago I travelled this road alone it was eight p.m. of night I mistakenly kicked a woman from my car she wore a white gown with a file in her hand and clothes were stained from blood .it looked like she bathed from a bucket of blood. I ran away and came to live with maddy to get out of stress I thank maddy that he helped me to get out of stress I actually forgot that what happens at that night but I am now able to memorise everything I am able to feel the presence of that lady " George spoke in a nervous voice

uttarakhand was still four hours left . the fear of George started descending .

Now uttarakhand was only four to five minutes away and I was totally exhausted George was now all okay In fact, he was singing with the radio just like we did!

It started raining and our car broke down I got off the car and saw the car
"Oh gosh! The engine's having a big fault"
I was able to see a house not clearly but enough to get a slight sight of the house...
we all gathered our belongings , mustered up some courage and headed towards the house

finally we arrived there...

"will you allow us to live for a night?" I asked while knocking the door of that abandoned house..
I started to hear creaking sounds of wooden flooring like someone is walking and then the door opened an old lady came into our sight
"welcome you can live here for about a night"
"thanks ma'am" I spoke

The Next Day We Departed From The House.I Know You Might Be Thinking That This Story Would Be A Horror One But It Is Not !!!
Later I Came To Know That George Was lying About The Accident

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