

Discover happiness
Happiness ,this word itself gives hope of relief from sadness of heart .It can cure wounded soul.But this doesn't seems easy to be happy otherwise there would not be so much depression , frustration,and sadness over the planet.

Hundreds of books written over it , motivation speakers gives speeches over it ,but this all can't work untill you don't know and realise Resource of happiness. Normally ,we search our happiness in things ,like house,money etc ,or expect that tomorrow I will be happy but tomorrow never comes.

I myself used to follow all the above things to be happy since I was 18 or 19 years old but nothing changes. Then finally I had taken decision out of my comfort ,to change lifestyle. I already used to woke up early, that made it easy but doing exercise was not habit. I had decided to exercise daily atleast for15 minutes,and meditate daily too.

Exercise sweat out all toxicity from body and meditation gives clearance of thoughts and improves confidence.

This continues for 10 days and I had satrted getting bored but my inner voice didn't allow me escape it even for one day ..And it was amazing ,then I realise I can easily difference between voice of mind and heart which is not easy always ,.It has boosted me.

Doing meditation made me improve my way of seeing things, and now I can easily let go many things which is nothing but ego problems and I can see that.

Resource of happiness is nothing but you only , no-one else , nothing else. Meditation can change life ,one can discover his or her happiness and peace.
- Pragya