

The last sunset!
I was born in the 1940's to an immigrant woman, and a hard working black man.

Yes my mother was white, and it was quite a different world.

We had to be very careful, never knew how much I would have to endure in my life.

The year was 1942, my father was at work on the rail road.

My mother loved my dad very much, he saved her from a concentration camp when he was in the War.

Aug 7. 1942 my mother was at home pregnant with me, engaged in her daily chores.

My father, like I said was at work, at 10:08p.m. he received a phone call. Mr. Herbert.

"Yes this is he!" Is your wife Isabel Herbert? Yessir.

We just admitted your wife in the Hospital. I'm afraid that she has just gone into labor.

Oh my God! Is she okay? Sir she's fine, and well. We just thought you'd oughta know, so you can be here.

Thank you sir I appreciate it. I'll have to let my supervisor know, and I'll be right there.

See you when you arrive sir.

See my parents have never been apart, and momma was scared.

But when Pa arrived she started feeling at ease.

Hello Izzy, are you ok ? Herbert baby I'm honey I'm so happy you're here.

I know baby I know, everything's going to be fine, just relax.

I'm fine now that you're here.

My parents were great role models, and I was a witness to true love.

Now if I may fast forward just a bit.

Elementary School fifth grade. the only boy in my class, and surprising, also well respected.

The class elections were coming up, and my teacher nominated me.
I was sure that I wasn't gonna win.

Election time came around, and I had the majority of votes.

In junior high I had straight A's, and first string quarterback.

Which only set me up for High school, after I graduated I had a scholarship to Westpoint Academy.

Graduated Westpoint Academy as a leutenant major.

Served in the military for 47 years, met my Patricia when I was stationed in at Fort Bragg.

We got married in 1965, and two years later had my oldest son Johnathan Herbert Jr..

Six years after that, we had Julia our oldest daughter. three years after that the last twin Jennifer and Meridith.

After I returned home from Vietnam I started working for a Steel mill in Philadelphia.

We moved into a six bedroom home, and started our lives.

My oldest son followed in my footsteps, and joined the military, but lost him when his convoy ran over a mine in the first Desert Storm, that was a dark place I was in.

My oldest daughter became a criminal lawyer, and has a husband, and my grandson, and daughter.

She's doing well. My daughter Jennifer, is a culinary chef, and has a son Jeffrey.

Meridith, my baby is a grade school teacher, and has a husband and two sons, also doing well.

My life has been very fulfilling, and I can't complain, now I am ready to join my dear wife who has been gone for five years.

So I just sit here on my porch, and watch the sun rise, and set.

This is where I will be until it's my last.

By: Gambino