

"That day, the village was burning and thousands and thousands of people died. Houses, stables, fields and forests were all in the flame of Dunir because of gold that the village had in its mines. Innocent people have died, and their homes have been destroyed by the greed of a dragon powerful enough to take what he wants. And so he burned everything, only to get gold from the Fadur-village mine." Asil paused, looking into his son's eyes. "Your mother, Augustin, died that day. We had to run away from what belonged to us."
"Finally. Land of shadows." A young man dressed in black robe and silk gloves drew his blue ruby ​​sword. In front of him was an old man in a purple robe with a long gray beard. His eyes were glowing green. "I was waiting for you. Did you bring the dragon's blood?" The young man took a flask filled with scarlet blood from his inner pocket. "The dragon accepted your gold, but also said you were a wizard. And you know what my kingdom thinks about wizards." A sword shone in his hand, sharp enough and big enough to kill an old man with one move. Old man closed his eyes. His face began to burn in a purple flame, leaving ash around him. "Yes, I am a wizard. But not the one you think I am, I'm a Dragonblood, a descendant of dragons." The young man put away his sword. "If so, I must not kill you. I am Augustin, guardian of the King, and I swore that I wouldn't kill any Dragonbloods, because on them the power of our kingdom rests." The wizard drew a sign above his head. "You will be protected by my power, but also rewarded for bringing me dragon's blood." He took a bag of gold from his pocket. "I refuse to accept such a special gift. If you wish to repay me, I have a other request for you." Augustus turned his face toward the endless black desert, the Eye of Darkness, which was the entrance to the Land of Shadows. "I want you to take me to Dunir, a dragon big enough to kill the whole village." "If you wish so." Wizard whispered, creating a big red portal. Portal began pulling toward him until he and the wizard stepped into it, leading them to the Rocks of mist and shadow, where Dunir slept.
The wizard exited the portal, showing Augustin where had he brought him. Rocks of mist and shadow were black, near the sea and painted in deep, dark mist. There were dark clouds in the sky, announcing the storm. A huge shadow loomed over them. Augustin didn't have to turn to realize that it was Dunir. "Who dared to come into my kingdom?" His voice was deep, filled with rage. "It was the wish of the royal guard. And I must fulfill the wishes of those who help me." The wizard knelt. "Royal guard? Assasian of the North Kingdom?" Augustin stepped out of the mist, with sword in his hands. "Yes. I'm Augustin, son of Asil." The assasian jumped on the dragon, trying to kill him with his blades. the rattle of swords and the roar of the dragon echoed through the air as the two enemies fought to the death. Augustin had bulletproof armor and swords, and dragon had fire and magic scales, so the forces were almost equal. At one point, the dragon slammed Augustin with his tail, throwing him over a cliff. At that moment he knew it was over. He failed to avenge his village. Augustin indulged in the fall, he could feel the tinnitus as if he would hit the floor abruptly. But then, something stopped his fall. Something kept bringing him up, and when he reached the top, he could see the fight between the wizard and dragon. The dragon tried to kill the old man by fire as he defended himself with magic, forcing the dragon to retreat. "You can't defeat me, you are just a bitter old man." Durin wagged its tail at the wizard. The old man fell and his magic disappeared. The dragon was about to give him one last shot. "Maybe the dragon is right. You are just a bitter old man." Augustin began to walk slowly, spinning the knife in his hand and preparing to kill the dragon. "No, I'm a wizard."
"I know you are. I'm just trying to distract the dragon." Dunil turned its head just as Augustine's blade stuck into his right eye. Dragon growled in pain and fell to the ground. The rocks began to shake as the world collapsed because his master died. "We need to get out of here." Augustine helped the wizard get up even though he was too weak. "Why did you save me?" He asked a question that was on his mind during the fight. "I knew who you were, Augustin, son of Asil. It was your destiny to kill Dunil. As it's the fate that I must die. This is something written in stone. Bring my corpse to the Land of Shadow and bury me next to the Dragon Flower." Tears began to flow down Augustine's face. "I will remember you."