


A heart of an individual in love is fragile when it comes to the matters of affection. Therefore, for love to be called love, it's to be tested. It's very impossible to attest to genuine love if one is in a place of brokenness. Love has no price but, it costs one to be venerable to accommodate a partner irrespective no matters what. Genuine love has no conditions. Love has nothing to do with one's professional nor the present situation. Love has no shape, color , height nor direction. Affection doesn't judge, cherish has no record of errors or mistakes done in that particular point. Adore is noble, Love is that feeling that cannot be explained. One thing I have come to grasp is that genuine love can be used as a dosage of heartache caused by a bad breakup . In most cases when trust broken is not addressed it can cause parties to put conditions rather costs on love in overall. When love is given rather without selfishness it can prevent that one combating some depression ,thanks to serious play from their past relationship which caused coldness within them. Most broken parties tend to believe otherwise when it involves love. My advice to those trying to start out new to loving again isn't to be selfish, never wait to see, be flexible for love is likened to an investment where another party expects return to the tip of the day. All in all love is sweet when one finds the quite love missing in their lives, all the past is erased. Nothing can fill the emptiness except the genuine love without a price. Don't be afraid to love because of your past toxic relationship. True love surely exists.
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