

Mental health
So today's topic is about mental health care for the beginners.
when we talk about mental health care always keep in mind that "healthy minds keep the body healthy".
The best example of this line can be seen in our day to day life in the Indian families.
Whenever we caught cold or viral fever a mother would always suggest that you should not keep thinking about you being sick or being trapped in a disease. Rather you should do whatever you like the most and go and have fun without thinking much about you having cold or fever but at the same time take the precautions the medicines aur any of the home remedies to keep yourself healthy.
When we talk about mental health it's somewhat same to a physical health condition but it is not exactly same as it can be much worse then the physical health conditions.
When a person is suffering from mental health issues at the first it doesn't seem to affect his or her physical health. But when the mental health issues grow it start to be seen from outside. Like the person suffering with depression or any such thing will either be very very angry or could be e very silent sometimes what happened is one day you see a person and he is very happy looking and is very kind to others and then you see him again after few months or years and you notice a certain change now he is no more happy or kind he has become a cruel and likes to be alone and some kind of psychopath.
So what can we do to keep our mental health in a good pace.
1) one should start meditation as meditation is said to be the key that keeps your mind peace and helps you to through all your negative vibes away and keep the positive vibes with you.
2) always one should have a person or a mediator with whom he or she can share everything without any problem or he or she can get the best solution out of the person when needed.
3) if you think you have no one to share your feelings with or your emotions then you should always consult with the psychiatrist.
Well these are top three things that according to me can help your mental health issues and can keep you healthy and help you to live long. So that's all for today thank you.

© Vartika Modi