

Cold Blood - A murder mystery
It's... It's so dark. And... And silent. Wait, I can hear something. It's not very clear. The sound is very feeble but getting louder. The darkness is also going away now. I can see something. Everything's blurred, but there's a warm yellow glow to the left. I'm able to move my body slightly. I'm... I'm lying on a hard surface. Uh! My head hurts! I can now hear a rattling sound. My vision is also much clearer now.
There's an incandescent bulb hanging from the asbestos ceiling. I'm trying to lift myself up, but it's very hard. I have severe pain in my right arm. But I somehow lift my body using my left arm and sit straight. Looks like I'm in a shed. I've never seen this place before, how did I get in here? I remember I was traveling home in a bus around 7pm. I look at much wrist watch. It's 7:27pm.
"He... He-llo!", I try to scream but don't have the energy.
My right arm is bleeding, and there's severe pain. There's blood on the palm of my left arm, but no pain. Probably that blood got on there from holding my right arm. I turn to the right and-
Holy shit! There's a woman lying on a pool of blood!

I try to stand up, but I fall multiple times. I somehow walk to her and look at her face. I've never seen her before. A knife is sticking out of her stomach. There's blood coming from all around her stomach, so probably the attacker stabbed her multiple times. She looks so skinny and weak. How can someone be so cruel to do this to such a harmless looking person? She's not breathing. I touch her neck with my left hand. Body is pretty warm. The ambient temperature around here is around 70 F. Body temperature drops by 1 to 2 degrees every hour after death. Her body is close to 90 to 95 F. She probably died couple of hours ago. She seems to be in her mid twenties. From her getup, it looks like she was going to or returning from a party. Probably a Christmas party. There's a handbag lying to her right, with its contents scattered around. I try to look into it to find out about her. There's some cash, a few credit cards, a lipstick, and a small round mirror. Where's her phone? God damn it what am I doing? Why the hell am I trying to investigate her death?

Probably we were attacked. But why would the attacker leave me alive and only kill her? He clearly didn't want to rob us as there's still cash and cards in her bag, and my wallet is still with me. Uhh... Why can't I remember anything? And how did all this happen within 7pm and 7:20pm? I look at my watch again.
Holy...!!! Today's Sunday? I remember having a gift while returning home for Christmas celebration next day. But today is 25th December! So it's been over 24 hours since my bus ride!! What the hell happened? Why can't I remember anything? Where am I? "Hello! Anybody here?!", I scream multiple times. There's no response, just my voice echoing from the walls of this huge shed. I can't see an exit door, it's pretty dark in here. The bulb hanging from the ceiling is too dim to light up the entire shed. I'm also scared. Am I safe here? What if whoever killed this woman returns to kill me too? Maybe I tried to protect this woman and got injured in the process. Do I have anything to do with this?
But wait. There's no blood on the floor where I was lying. And there's very little blood on my injured right arm. But why is there a lot of blood on the palm of my left hand?

I hear the sound of a many footsteps and then a door being banged open.
I am very scared now. I need to hide before the attackers find me.
"Police! Is anyone here?", I hear a scream.
Oh thank God, I am saved. But how do I explain the situation to them?

"Hello? Police? I'm here, I'm here!", I walk towards the sound as I yell.
"Stay where you are, we will come to you", this time the voice sounds different.
Four policemen walk to me and with them there's another man, with a white shirt and black pant. He looks pretty old. His shirt ironed well, even at this time at night and shoes polished like a mirror. His face looks clean and matte, as if he's applied talc just now. Probably a rich businessman.

"Rajiv? What happened to you?", The man said.
Confused, I see behind me if there's someone standing. Seeing nobody, I realised the man was speaking to me.
"Umm, I'm Kunal. I think you're mistaken", I said.
"What the hell Rajiv. Where's Shreya?", He asked.
"Sir, over here, we have a murder!", a policeman screamed.
Two other policemen and the businessman ran to the dead body.
I realised I should have told them about her before they start doubting me. I tried to explain, "I saw her lying on the-"
"Shreya!!!", The businessman screamed.
Then he turned towards me and said, "You killed my daughter!"
"What? No! I don't even know her!! I saw her lying over there when I regained consciousness", I yelled.
"For God's sake. She's your wife!" The man said to me.

[Story incomplete]
© arpan