

I'm a Vandenberg, I was not before. I was just trying to figure out what happened to the love. So I went out to nature to live in a circle of trees for more than a year,
not to long ago I was at a shelter and I got random message from you, the last one said my life was going to change destiny was in store. I would have to learn how to adjust because I would be rich.
Then it said I should leave the place and now I have no escape goat or road. I'm back in the circle of trees and I hope you know. I die a little bit every day you are not with me but I stand tall and push through my obstacles and I do my best to help others, I am on the right path because I wish to heal others, so now I write every day. I can only hope you will come back to me, but if you don't I understand you have to do what is best for you, I love you baby girl all the time I only want your happiness and if that's not with me. I love you unconditionally.
© ©dejectedpoeit_flowing
ps. these are the precious stones found in my path top left zebra Rock Opal opal Jade diamond Sapphire topaz and an orb