

Nov. 29 2021 Dream
Like most of my dreams, this one took place in a school.
Being the philosopher I am, most of my dreams take place in a college or school setting.
I had my dog with me in the school in this dream.
Somebody came and grabbed his leash, and although this must have been difficult due to his weight, they swung my large husky by the leash and slammed him back and forth on the ground.
I showed my teeth and tackled him by the waist to the ground.
I put my knee to his sternum and peeled back his jaw off his face, which created a large tear in his throat.
I reached into this tear and grabbed handfuls of brain matter and tossed it to my dog.
I walked out of the school nonchalantly and in the parking lot, I looked to the sky and could see the sun was closer. I could see vividly, the solar flares bursting and licking the sky. I walked from the school thinking in my mind, in my dream, "when will these stupid mother fuckers learn?"

Moral of the story:
Don't fuck with my dog or the owner might bite you...
© Sebastian Grey