

Blinded by the Dark
He looked as though,
the last thing, He'd seen,
hadn't been,
for Him.

Above His pay-grade.
Above, indeed.

The water never tasted the same,
after that.

It was as if there was a shift,
a crashing wave within.

As if everything wholesome,
and, pure in the world,
had been, defiled, and, drowned,
by, a renowned rapist. Riddled.

"You want to be careful out there!
Mind yourself!!"

If, only, He'd listened to,
that, warning, He thought.

A stark warning.

Now, He was stark.
Stark; inside, and, out.
Naked. Stiff. Deceased.

a Naked view of the world.
a mind, and, body, Stiff.
a sense of self,...