

Selfish Love: Chapter 10
Meanwhile at Ryhnee's house, They were all just quietly drinking coffee, but Yuna didn't even take a sip yet, she's been stressed, and always spacing out.
"Yuna..are you..okay??" Zury was kind of scared asking. Yuna just looked then sighs, so Ryhnee pats Yuna's back as she says "no need to worry much..Ruru will fight this time..i mean hopefully" then laughs a bit and said "she got you, you're her hero, if anything happens, me and Zury will be your back up, so dont be afraid, and yet, don't be reckless"
"Its not just that...this time Ruru surely have to cooperate with Maruqez..me and Zury knows how forceful Maruqez is, that the only way to stop her is get what she wants done, otherwise get ready for a fight"
"Well, like i said, Ruru has you, she will fight back because of you!"
"Yeah right! I doubt she can, if Ruru makes one wrong move, not only she will get in trouble, but also Maruqez, Maruqez will bring Ruru with her to suffer! And it hurts me so bad..to think about what Maruqez could possibly do to her.."

Ryhnee doesn't know what to do with Yuna anymore and just continued to drink her coffee, Yuna looked then decided to drink her coffee. Later at night, Ruru was just sitting on the sofa chair but wasn't bothering with the TV, while Maruqez came from the kitchen, she hugs Ruru's head from behind, Ruru was angry but she tries not to show it and puts her hand on Maruqez's hand. But then Maruqez slowly walked around the chair while touching Ruru until she's on front of her then sat on her lap while facing her and her arms around Ruru's neck, staring straight into Ruru's eyes, and with the doom room Ruru notices, she covers her eyes and felt like crying. Maruqez calmy said to ruru as she caresses Ruru's hair "Take your hand off your face.."
"But Maruqez..i cant handle it..knowing who i am to you now.."
Maruqez sighs and sadly said "you're not what they want you to be..besides..you're something else to me"
"If im someone you love, why are you hurting me? And forcing me to do those things with you?"

Maruqez was shock and got really mad, so she suddenly kissed Ruru while she wasnt ready, Ruru tried to push her off, but Maruqez was holding her close and tight, so Ruru had no other solution to think of, and she couldn't get away, so she repeatedly hits Maruqez until Maruqez decides to let go, Maruqez just madly stares back into Ruru's eyes while breathing heavily, and grabbed the glass made flower pot
"N-no..what are you thinking maru?!" Ruru quickly pushed her off her lap and slowly backs away.
"I shouldn't have told you about it.. i should have kept it a secret.. i dont get why Yuna is-"
Before Maruqez could continue, Ruru just randomly shouted then went to her, leaving Maruqez confused..
Next day at 9pm, their parents came home, mom was really happy to see Maruqez and they hugged eachother for a while, dad was smiling.
"I miss you so muuuuuch! How are you?? And wheres ruru?"
"Im fine, Ruru is still sleeping"
"She has to get her ass up, wake her up for me please"
Mom started checking her grocery bags and giggles as she shouted
"Hey kids! I got you some breakfast and some snacks for later!"
"They're here?!" Ruru panics
"Yes, now get up! Mom is calling us"
Ruru quickly went to the toilet, then a moment later Ruru shows up, and the mom was so happy to see her, "aww! How cute and innocent looking baby giirl!" And gave Ruru a big hug, then she prepared the breakfast she bought for them and happily gave it to them then she starts preparing coffee for all.

"Eat all you can, okay kids?"
But then the mom notice that her "kids" are acting quite differently,
"Is there something wrong between you both? You both seem to act a bit cold to eachother..the last time i remember, Maruqez was so sweet and Ruru was always shy" then Maruqez replied "i guess its because we got old, but we still love eachother.." Maruqez then hugs Ruru with an arm, Ruru just smiles.
"Ahhh i see, sad how life is changing..its just been a year and few months..so nearly 2 years..isnt it?" Then dad decided to talk
"Is surely is, i kind of felt sad looking at both of you now, you both always act so sweet to eachother" Ruru was just done eating and saw Dad looking at her..she wasn't listening this whole time
"Huh?" Ruru felt awkward and embarrassed, so dad laughed and said "its alright" Maruqez was staring at Ruru like "seriously?" Then when they were done with their food, mom was excited to show them what she bought for them
"Kiiiids! I got some gifts for you all!"
Mom pulls all her shopping bags. "Fiiirst, let me show you what mom got you!" Then she pulls out some clothes, she bought gray jacket with bottons, gray pants, dark blue jacket with pants and a black highcut shoe. "This is for you maru maruuuuu!!" For Ruru, she a light gray jacket with white on the middle but no zipper or bottons, a black short and a white highcut shoe "and taadaaa! This is for you ruru! And looks what dad bought for you!" The mom was excitedly waiting for dad to show her kids what he bought, while meanwhile Ruru and Maruqez was surprised "thank you mom! I like it alot!" Ruru said.

Then dad handed them their brand new phone! He handed the dark blue phone to Maruqez and a peach one for Ruru. "Here's the last one!" He said as he takes out 2 school bags, a cat keychain for Maruqez and a dog keychain for Ruru. They were all so happy with what they got, Ruru hugs her step mom and dad happily, "awww ..im glad you liked it kids.." Maruqez decided to also hug her parents and thank them. They forgot about everything for a moment. Moments later, their parents are taking some nap, Ruru is hanging their washed clothes while Maruqez is preparing their bags and cleaning up. "Phew! Finally done!" Maruqez said as she throw herself on the sofa chair. Ruru just sat on the other chair. Few moments later Maruqez asks Ruru if she wants to go for a walk with her
"Sure, why not" Ruru said as she gets ready, while walking, Maruqez holds Ruru's hand as she asks "do you want anything from the shops around here?"
"Not really but we can look around"
But while they were walking, Ruru saw a cliff, so she checked, just to find out she was on top of the hill, she invited Maruqez to sit with her. Maruqez then rest her head on Ruru's shoulder and sighs as she said "im really sorry.."
Ruru didnt care, she continues to watch the sky, and wonder whats beyond that ocean

"I wonder how deep it is, i want to see something no one sees" Ruru said to herself, "oh, im dumb, im having a serious moment with Maruqez, what am i thinking?" Suddenly Ruru felt something wet on her shoulder, and when she looked, Maruqez was crying silently, she was shock "she never cry..this is the second day already" ruru said to herself as she slowly hugs Maruqez, "im sorry, i didnt mean to cry"
"Its alright..lets keep walking"
"No..you can go walk, i will head back home" then as Maruqez walks away leaving Ruru...Ruru was sadly watching her walk away, but then she ran after her and as she gets closer to Maruqez, she says "you cant leave me alone! They will get mad at you!"
"Yeah right, who are they?" Maruqez asked as she turns around
"Um..our parents?"
Maruqez sighs and says "you know what, im not gonna ruin this special day, and i dont want to, so lets...just be normal"
"Lets be normal? I was normal, you were the one who's acting differently"
"Okay right right, shut up"
Ruru joking hits Maruqez on her shoulder
"Ow! What the..ruru?!" Maruqez runs away for a moment. When they returned home, their parents were awake, and mom was reading a diary, Maruqez shouted in fear and took the diary away, and her mom was confused
"Maru? What was that? So many love story there!"
"Oh thank god she didn't read further.." Maruqez said to herself as she sigh in relief
"Oh and i saw about the only person you loved and cared about was taken away?"
Maruqez face turns red then panicked again and accidentally looked at Ruru, she also turns red didnt know how to react, so she also panics and looked at mom, she started to feel something but then dad interrupts "hey, today we will be going outside to eat"
"Oh thats nice! Its been so long since we spend time with our kids"
Ruru just went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water then sneaked into the her room and saw Maruqez.
"Whoa maru...qez.."
Maruqez was really scared
"If mom finds out...we will be in big trouble! Looks like as if she felt something was wrong!! If only we acted normal about it...but..we made it obvious what now?!" Maruqez tried not to cry, Ruru was also afraid but then she gasped and said
"I know!.." Maruqez looked
"Your best friend Shizu! Ofcourse since you both are best friends...she could cover you! Right?!"
"Well..um.." Maruqez remembers about Itsuki, Shizu looks young and innocent like Ruru, while itsuki looks just as old as she is.
"Shizu..doesn't look like the type who would have a girl friend or even boyfriend yet..besides she's just like you"
"Then who could help you?!"
" i will see..if my cashier friend wont help me..then i guess i have to take shizu...if shizu wont help me..then..lets hope for the best."
"And lets hope..we wont act weird, especially YOU!"
"You know me..i cant control myself...i know its bad..but..i cant help it.." Ruru notices how Maruqez is starting to be calm and have a little of a sexual look, she just sigh and went out the room. So Maruqez just sadly sat on the bed.

Meanwhile dad had to cancel their plans on eating outside since he had some unfinished business, and so is mom. So they left "take care ruru, im going kids!", Ruru replies "okay, be safe" then as they were leaving, Ruru slowly closed the door, feeling depressed, she slowly sat down on the floor, leaning against the door while covering her face, not knowing Maruqez was peeking.
"That's why i fear to be happy, i fear happiness, what comes after happiness is horrifying.." Ruru was thinking out loud, Maruqez felt sad and went back to her room, but when she tried, she accidentally stepped on a plastic bag she didnt take out, So Ruru heard it.
"Maru?" Ruru quickly stood up and ran to see Maruqez before she hides, Maruqez gasped but she decided to quickly hug Ruru.