

Mother lied to her Angel
Her mother take her fist off her eyes as she was rubbing them and they turned out reddish pink.Little Amil, a red cheek, five year old baby was continuously rubbing her twinkling grey eyes.Her small nose was already red because of high fever.Her mother made her sit into her lap and kissed her forehead ."Amil,Did you see that little girl who was talking to me a while ago?" mother asked with a smile on her lips and shine in her eyes."Yes maa",she nodded her head covered with a pink scarf ."She's also an orphan" mother told her as she wanted to hold some words in her lips. Amil looked into her eyes as she wants to know the purpose of telling that to her.Mother knowing what's in her heart spoke in a long run,"She was only two when her father was killed brutally by some robbers". Amil came out of her mother's lap as she was confident to find someone else just like her.The image of that girl was not going out of her eyes.As soon as mother understood her feelings said "She don't weep in nights but pray for him".Amil stared around to find that girl back,her eyes in search of her came back to her mother,stuff was going in her head.It was her first time to find someone orphan like her .that little girl was like a mirror for her.She uttered,"mum! I won't too".she held her little hand and moved down to the street. The little girl grasped her father's hand opposite to the street ,"paa! I found you everywhere ,it's been hours. You promised me to visit cake shop.Lets go there".
Now Amil don't weep missing her father .She knows there is someone else too orphan.
© maniya