

involve with my roommate explained
Hello guys so this is going to be a Part 9 or part 8 on the story that I did in 2022 November 2022 on my old account so I said I was going to post another part but I didn't so I'm going to post it on my new account I forgot that password for my old account so I'm just going to post it on this account hope you enjoy it it's called involve with my roommate like I did before but I deleted the one that I posted cuz it didn't like it so yeah. Also guys please follow my best friend her username on this is pop pop police support her she needs some good stories and quotes and poems she's the best that it also she's the one who perceived me to get this app anyways so guys for some reasons I'm going to be starting over the story so most of you guys you can't know what the story is really about it's about a girl named Lexi she is 19 years old and she's just started college and occur and the characters that are in the story are Ben lisa Lexi and Jack okay so guys jack is Lexi's roommate and Ben is say her friend and you also have our best friend but I didn't name her as I said her best friend so okay so guys I'm going to be starting to post the story tomorrow I'm going to be working on it so tell me if you want me to start from the part where it was where Jack was on a date with Lexi or you want me to start from the start