

My Journey ❤️
Hi I'm Shaarvi, I'm gonna tell you about my journey toddler to now! So the day I was born...I don't what happened but actually MY WHOLE FAMILY HATE MY GRANDMOTHER because she's so cruel and a liar she always tortured my mom the day when my parents got married. She didn't even celebrated my birthday but she celebrated my brother's birthday and also my mom's sister's daughters. She very beloved my mom's elder sister as my mom is the 4th younger wife. So the days kept passing until my mom decided to settle down in another state with my father and me.
Now I'm a fully grown 2 year old and I'm going to school now. I was new admissioned as it was stressful to cope up with new teachers. Although I made some friends and a enemy who was the enemy of the whole school.He wasn't naughty he was like pervert yk 😣 He used to harass all the boys and girls and abuse them for no reason. I also beated him alot in Nursery 😬 but yeah it was fun experience beating him 😂 Yes then when I was in 3rd grade I had 2 crush🥰😂 1 was the monitor and prefect and 2nd was intelligent and handsome 😍 then when 4th grade unfortunately, my class changed and I was in another class. Though I made some useless but kind friends 😆 And I made another bully who was the class monitor 😭 She was soo rude and mean to everyone in the class and judges them without even knowing them properly. She was used to threaten everyone that if they won't shut up, she will give them the Transfer Certificate 😲 and even flow a romour about me that I punched her in eyes and telling everyone to make her ya enemy. I was soo frustrated 🥴 I even beated her and make me and her go to the principal cabin 😭 😬 she even tore my math notebook pages. Now time skip to 7th grade. I was still in school it was a boring day until I heard some people talking like "Aww you're a poet i'mma poet too! Did you joined blah and blah blah?" and I was liks woahh let's try being a poet and now i'mma successful poet!

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