

I'm back with a new idea and it's about a very important topic which is called LONELINESS. Yes, you've heard about it or maybe you've suffered also but don't need to worry guys. In this book, we're going to study about loneliness, its actual meaning, the cause and the way to get ourselves out by.
Let's learn ☺

"My happiness is coming out with these lonely moments."

I'm sorry it's a crazy line but wait don't need to abuse me okay. By the way, you're sweet you can't do that. hahaha......

Okay, let me explain something. We know that Loneliness is nothing but whenever we feel ourselves alone, hurting, broken, confusing or something like that then we come to call this like we're sick of loneliness.

We can observe them who take it like a hell. they compare it to a guilty thing. I'm sorry but they're wrong because they never tried to observe it closely. they are still unfamiliar. Most of the people are not interested about to know the main reason because they have already assumed like this is a way of darkness and the end.

Nowadays people want to spend their life happily but because of some things they become caught and harassed. I saw some people who did fall at this (loneliness). I was able to observe how their life was changing. they lost everything caused by only a very few mistakes. they were spending their life happily but only a mistake destroyed the whole thing. the thing was like because they thought their situation like very common or simple and their decision is responsible for everything.

There was a mistake because they were not interested to think about anything. Yes, we all have forgotten that we are just nothing without thinking anything. the problem is that we all are lazy and very poor to think more over anything. the prior step of every step is thinking or designing. Our mindset depends on our nature and our differences and it's the main reason for our different life. we all have a machine called the brain right?

Yes, we're still alive because of our brain. according to the bio study, "our mind is the main controller" but I think we should make it correct because we're losing our business, we're losing our game. wait I'm explaining the reason.

Sometimes we catch many negative ideas or thoughts even if we know about that but we become fall over them. Just think, if your assumed idea becomes the reason for your extinction then hmm?

Let me tell you something and it's the key to getting ourselves out from the hell.  Just close your eyes eeeh sorry open your eyes and read by with whole of your concentration hm. I don't think it's good if we lose something like free ideas. hahaha......fuck!!

So sometimes I do assume thousands of people with me and within me. it's a crazy thing, right? oh don't worry and yes I do talk with them whenever I feel uncomfortable, unhappy, depressing, broken or something like that. you can't trust me, I know it but seriously I can't explain like how I feel after and during talking to them. they make me very possessive about my life, very serious about my situation and very responsible about myself.

I can never fall upset at this loneliness because i've me with the thousands of numbers. Yes, I can think better, I can do better. I can suggest myself, I can correct myself. I can make understand myself. because I'm with the whole of mine and it's the key to get you out from those fucking situations or loneliness.

You got it right?  Yes, loneliness is nothing and don't need to be scared about it you should be happy to know about you're in loneliness. Yea because you'll be getting a golden opportunity to knowing your potential, to talking with your own, to judging your curiosity and to fucking your mistakes. Just take it positive and let's be ready to trust yourself.


© harishbearboy