

I came to a place where eagles thrive and all else dies.
I found sanctuary at a wildlife refuge.
Puget sound tide flats laying all flat for hectares, with no tide to speak of.
The suspended four mile boardwalk, carrying me to the zenith of my journey.
Yellow Rumped Warblers, mating in the tall marshed grasses on the sandy banks brought me peace.
Subconscious knowing of what was to come, sprung my step and swaggered my shoulder with each artful step.
As I started my path on the board walk, I stopped to behold the pulse of the sand spoken, living earth with my bare eyes, throbbing in all directions in pain as oil from freighter ships bled from the wake deserted tide pools.
Stoicism chiseled into my jaw in nonchalance of what I saw.
Oh, if the passer-bys could see reality through these multidimensional lenses.
With each step toward the gazeboed ending of the path I came to understand more of myself, with the symbolism of the empty skelton treed surroundings painting understanding from the ether into this open mind.
7 eagles watched hunting over my baron surroundings.
My friends and I connected spiritually as I soaked in what was sent to me.
I reached the gazebo and an epiphany of self struck me almost overboard into the mud.
Suddenly, the world didn't seem so small as I connected a piece of myself that was until then, unfound in this life.
Feeling so much peace in me, I stood on the toe of my right foot and meditated in a crane pose for 20 or so minutes, while the 'cree' of my eagle brothers and sisters hunted hovering watchfully overhead.
After meditating, I stood and watched in awe for hours as the eagles dove on clams and chased of the petty water fowl, digging for scrapings.
Though no man would believe me and it mattered not, for titles are for the superficial, I now know my nature.
One great step closer to full completion of spiritual equipment, I couldn't help but retrace my steps back the way I came on the boardwalk, dancing the way that fits my heart the best; in a flavored walk.
Parting seas of unknowing common folk that walked without absorbing their surrounding, my dancing appearing as a mixture of basketball dribbling flow, ballet, and unnamed expressional dance, using every limb and muscle to accompany the music flowing from my headphones.
They smiled and awed, sneered and blushed as I passed by.
If only they could hear the music I hold in my heart, if only they could understand what it was that danced past them.

April 2 2022
© Sebastian Grey