

I missed my mom so much words can't even explain she was a great woman, she's my G.O.A.T...she used to giv us the drive her parenting was great...she never try to rule us or tell us who to be with or nt what u bring she accepts, all she would ask you is if you sure this is the woman or man you want to be with...
Education wise she was the bk bone when dad was jus a lay bk guy,plus she was God fairing loved her church love God...I couldn't ask fr a better mom...She had loved fr all her children I've never had a doll moment with mommy,I've never disrespect her...Folks out there no matter how bad your mom is still show her respect,but if she does something that you don't like try to see how best you can talk to her,but don't be harsh or disrespectful,because remember what Exodus 20:12 says...Cherish your parents because 1 day they won't be no more...I don't believe in when you die you're gone to heaven,but one thing for sure ik on the day of resurrection she will rise & meet him in the air...Oh how I pray everyday to sit & have a talk with her tru my darkest days,but there's a God & he knows best...And remember there's no love in the world that's better than a mother's love...
© Rysin King