

I only want you- Chapter 4
Please don't say a word, I said trying to convince logan, I can even give you  fifty dollars to keep your mouth shut, do you want it?

Ok fine, I won't tell mom, but that amount of money is too little, I'll need approximately one hundred dollars

Alright, when am back from the party I'll give it to you I promise.

After negotiating with logan, I then called a cab to pick me up to bring me to anna house. Luckily the cab came on time, while sitting in the car on the seats, I heard my phone give off a beep sound I looked and saw that it was a text from Tessa saying "are you still coming to the party? you're running a little late"

I replied saying "I'm on my way I'll be there soon. Minutes after I had arrived at Anna's house, payed the cab driver and headed straight to the door and rang the door bell, I rang it a few times, then anna mom came and unlocked the door while doing that she asked

Is your mom ok with you going to a party?

Yes, why did you ask?

Because I know your mother very well that she's strict, and wouldn't let you even leave the house, do you want me to call her to make sure.

Shit, my whole plan is ruined I have to come up with sonething quick,

I then said no, that won't be necessary she's probably asleep I wouldn't want to disturb her

Yes of course I guess you're right?

Emily you made it, anna said while walking downstairs.

Am sorry I didn't come in time

Ok, that's not a problem at all. Mom emily and I are gonna go up to our room.

Sure, I will be here If uou need anything.

I went upstairs to anna room where tessa was searching for something to wear. Tessa am here what exactly are you looking for?

Something hot and badass to where, you know am a girl I should look not only cute but attractive as well. I said well we could go to the mall and see if we can find something to wear.

But we don't have any money.

Who said I was gonna pay, and I shoplift all the time it's no big deal, I have money to buy whatever I want but I just steal for fun. Just Cut the crap let's go. So are we gonna walk on the streets? tessa asked

Yes we are, the mall isn't far from here, oh look great we reach already just in time it's going close in 30 minutes, come let's go in, you guys stay right here and watch and learn how to shoplift the correct and meet me at the changing room in ten mintues.

As I walked passed the security I suddenly felt nervous, I said to myself I can do this I just have to focus, I went to the girls section and took up three oufits, one for me and the others for tessa and anna, I was trying not to look sucpicious as I walked off and headed in the changing room where my friends awaits.

I had reached there in no time and showed the outfits to them and said let's change into these quickly and we will take a car to the party after.

Anna tessa are you done? we have to go quick follow me. We all took our time and sneak out safely without anyone catching us.

That was so terrifying I will never do that again anna said

Oh come on it was fun, I will call a cab to come get us, oh here it is let's go in.

*25 minutes later*

We all arrived at the party and greeted some old friends and I immediately looked for zac, I spoted him over at the game casino and I walked up to him amd said hey am glad you made it, and what are you drinking?

A soda, do you want one?

No, I'll have water. So can we go somewhere more private to talk I can hardly hear you

Ok sure let's go outside under the tree.
He took his hands wrapped aroud my waist and we walked out of the crowd. While standing there all alone with him he took  his hands and put the strain of hair that was in my face and went in for a kiss, I wasn't shocked because I knew dating him would come with alot of kisses and hugs. When he was done I asked what was that kiss for?

To show that i'm into you, I find you really attractive and I have never dated someone like you before.

Well I really like you too. Is there a bathroom around here I need to pee wait here I'll be back in in mintue

Sure I Will be waiting for you

On my way to the bathroom I saw anna and asked where is tessa  she said that she's looking for someone to hook up with, I then walk off and head straight to the bathroom peed, looked in the mirror and fixed my hair and hurridly rush back to be with zac, walking up more closer to the exact same spot I lefted him I say a girl infrontof him, she was wearing a pink jacket, when I looked up closer I saw that It was tessa as both zac and her started kissing each other

As I yelled the both pulled away from each other and acted like nothing happen, I was filled with anger in my eyes and was about to go and slap both of them as anna grabed my hand and said he's not worth it come on let's go, I pulled my hand away and walked even more faster and went and said "what the fuck"

Tessa why is your tounge down my boyfriend throat, save it get away from me

She said please let me explain, no leave me alone I saw everything. And for you zac I taught we were great togther all those things you said about how you where attracted to me I guess you didn't mean them did you and I was a fool to think that you we nice and loyal but news flash asshole  we are done and don't even think that I am still gonna tutor you.

When I both confronted tessa and my physco ex boyfriend I then decided to leave the party and go home, while taking another step I heard a familiar voice calling "Emily please stop" I then recognize It I and tgen knew that it was my ex friend tessa and I angrily said don't talk to me just go it doesn't matter what you say now it won't change a thing and you lost my trust.

As she said but I taught you didn't like him, so I made a move

That doesn't mean you should kiss him you knew I liked him not because I didn't say it out load, we even went on a date early today and I actually taught things could work out betwwen us but I was wrong.

I can call a cab for you tessa said

I then said I don't need your petty, now go away and I walked off by the time I was suppose to turn around

Tessa "shouted look out

When I looked there was a red car coming straight towards me I couldn't move and the person hit more so damn hard, I was knocked out all I could see was blackness, and I saw a shadow over me saying are you ok, oh my god help! Call an ambulance.
© kimaleeclarke