


"Class, do you believe in love at first sight?" Our teacher suddenly asked us one time. We all look at her.


"Ma'am, it's corny!"

"Love at first sigh didn't exist anymore because boys mostly look at only with those pretty girls!"

"It's real! It's real, Ma'am because I tried it!"

"It's real because boys likes a girl when it's pretty and they experienced that shit!"

I laugh because of what my classmates aaid. I shook my head and let them argue about their own opinions.

"Okay, let me tell you a story. Who among you here watch the movie Romeo and Juliet? Or who knows this story?"

"Me, Teacher!"


"I didn't watch the money but I read the story!"


"Okay. Romeo and Juliet's family are both enemies they've been fighting all the time. Their rules before if you will like or got married to the family's enemy your punishment is death."

"Seems like it's really a big sin to like your enemy, why tho? Heart will decide!" One of my girl classmate complain.

"Yes, liking your family's enemy is like a murder that's how forbidden and how big your sin is if you will. That time Romeo declared he is inlove with Rosaline. Who thought that before Juliet there was a girl named Rosaline? Romeo's friend invited him to their enemie's party but Romeo didn't want to go but his friend convinces him. At the party, Romeo saw a beautiful woman standing not far away to him and he never thought it's the daughter of their enemies. He fell inlove with Juliet the moment he laid his eyes on her." Our teacher smile while telling us those.

"It's so sweet!"

"It's kinda overwhelming!"

"Love at first sight!"

"But-- like what I said if you will like the family's enemy your punishment is death. Romeo and Juliet got married and the father who witnessed all is Friar Lawrence together with juliet's nurse and Romeo's loyal servant, Balthasar. But their love didn't last long—"

I cutted her.

"Because both of their families knew about their secret marriage and they've been hiding-- Romeo is hiding in friar lawrence cell for a long time while Juliet married Paris, they wanted Juliet married paris." I said. They look at me, my tears fell down on my cheeks.

"Y-yes. But, after that Romeo needs to leave because juliet's father haunting Romeo he needs to leave or else he will face death. Then his last word is--"

I cutted her again.

"Leaving juliet is more than death to me! I rather die than to leave her. I can't go, i'm sorry." I whisper. They look at me again, all shock and they gasp.

"H-how did you know it?" My one classmate ask, my teacher just smile at me and nod.

"Because she was Juliet and i was her nurse and i witnessed their loved and how they fought for their marriage and loved."

Shock-- it's the only thing I can descrine to their faces. I stand up and wipe my own tears.

"Romeo died because of his love with Juliet, love can sacrifice everything even your life." My teacher said.

"That's why i believed in the Love at first sight because that's what i felt when i first saw Romeo that night in the party. Until now i feel the same way, no matter how many years passed by the love will never fade even if you'll die and reborn again, because heart don't forget-- heart remember everything. That's how i keep Romeo for a long time he's here." I pointed my chest where my heart is beating."Even if he's gone a long time ago. That's love it will never be easy, you need to fight for your happiness even if the world against-- love can conquer all; love will never abandon each other." I smile at them and feel the pain I've been hiding all those years.

© Skyler