

part 1 confused child

© Starfire way back when I was in 3rd grade, this man came to my home, he kept tickling touching me down below, didn't even say I'm sorry am I had,, my parents were just watch and do nothing,show just before I got out of school before Christmas, I told my teacher mrs. Van Allen, she said it was not enough to go on, she said if anything else happens to let her know, so at home a day after Christmas, 2 days before my birthday,this guy asked my parents if he could take me to his house, I said no I do not want to go I do not like him, the guy told my parents that I gave him my word I would go, he's a liar I did not, my mom said if I didn't go I was going to get a real ass whooping and punishment playing, it scared me into going, he had toys dirty bought for me for my birthday, he did feel round on me, that's all he done that time, when I went back to school, I wouldn't let my girlfriend on my friend touch me, Irish mean , the teacher tried to talk to me,I did not trust her cuz she did not help me when I asked her for help, the school's principal talked to me, I was already locked down in myself, in the springtime of that year, that same guy,ask my parents if they could keep me out of school to go with him someplace to do a job, show my parents ask the school if it was okay, my teacher said it would be good for me to get away unknown what I would be done , so I went with him down in New York City the upper end of New York City,he pulled over and told just a little boy to his son in the back seat would not stay sitting that he needed someone to sit in there to take him to school to keep him seated, the boy jumped in I shook my head no but he did anyways, we started heading down the road to turn left, the boy jumped forward and said that's the way the school is,the guy goes on taking a detour to get rid of my son sooner you too much of a pain in the butt, the boy kept looking at me and I kept looking back at him, trying to figure out what we were going to do, we went back to the guy's house and Mayfield New York, he had me pile wood well he took the boy down to the basement,I hear you got the wood done to go see what was going on, as soon as I got in there the man said to stay and watch him, the boy was tied naked to a chair,I tried to untie him but I was too little to do so but I tried anyways, the guy comes in and grabs me, then he said that he will do to me what he's going to do to that boy, he choked me where I could not breathe, he took me home and told me if I tell he will kill my whole family including me,the next day he came back and told my parents she needed me to help him finish a job, so I got in the car to go with him to find out what happened to the boy, we went back down to New York City, I didn't see the boy in the car, he pulled over to a construction area, no big buildings around the construction area, he told me to stay in the car, he goes to the trunk takes out this boy wrapped up into my favorite blanket that he borrowed from my parents, there was four ropes tied around the boy,start heading down under a car parking lot under the construction area building,I got out and I fouled and without him seeing me, I seen him push the boy down inside of concrete, inside a wall of concrete, another guy comes along, ask him what is he doing,he told him that he chased his son down here and he put his hand print in the concrete, so he wanted to smooth it off so it would not be noticed, the guy make both of us get out of there, and we went back to my house and you left me there, the day after that I went back to school, fonda-fultonville Central School is the school I went to, The principal asked me if I knew about the missing boy,because I was gone at the same time as the boy came up missing, you said the boy was his nephew, I was too scared to tell him anything, so I kept quiet and said nothing, I know I seen pictures that the bad man took of the boy that he kidnapped, the picture shows that the boy was beaten raped and killed, still yet today I only wished I could have done better to save that boy's life what time is the same age is that boy was, I'm sorry to say there was nothing I could do but get killed myself.