

the kitty of life

The hour has come, our twilight or sunrise, the dawning or sunset...for both are always present, at the falling rising hour...and we are one ...no matter how mind pushes away truth... I take you to meet Jesus, you yourself... Allah, Buddha, Krishna...Odin...Zeus...call yourself what you will, you are God... I am you pushed out from yourself, both we are, I am... he laid down within man and dreamed his dreams of eternity... we are the tombs that heavenly father lays within... deadly dreams of good and evil conquered by mind and speech... yours alone...the one undergoes a realization...a realization beyond gender, or race... and it rises from Golgotha from where he was crucified within your skull... it has been three days, or longer, but look upon the world... and seeing ourselves in this place, are you surprised that man treads in his ignorance for millennia?... never awakening screaming, killing forcing his "correct" idea upon others in offence over words or in offence over long standing institutions of thought...at the point of his sword...killing anyone whom does not agree and bend the knee... are we at all surprised that it has been two-thousand years... or so you are told to believe...and still they wait and die...reading scripture and still not understanding that Jesus Christ is within them... still they wait for something to appear from without...false teachings everywhere but within them as they keep looking outwardly for a savior...even the vague essence they do not know...even the misunderstood scriptures they cannot understand for they still believe this world is real...and somehow they are their bodies... the force of violence they do believe for fear makes a strange perspective dominate the incarnate mind...its perfectly ok... we are only doing God's will ...they do grow close with their lips, but in their hearts ... in their hearts... I am with you always even until the end of the age... and he will allow you to wait for eternity... the great eternity... he is you... what seems to be is, to those it seems to be...even unto damnation's, torments, and unto death... I am...and that I am, is eternal... and cannot be deceived... Jesus Christ is within you, why do you look to somewhere else other than in yourself?... the unwavering vision of the desire fulfilled...is the living within the law, and the desire is fulfilled in the incarnated world... fulfilled law... going through the furnaces is our cleansing, if a fiery furnace is not hell then you are welcome to your visions... to your own revelation...I know that the only hell there is...is this world right here and now... and this body is like a straight jacket, in comparison to actual self ... that I am... the unwavering vision of blue skies are beautiful and he comes upon the clouds deception if allowed the flowery words of the serpent to capture your mind... to allow yourself to live in eternal damnation's....telling you have made your choices and so have sewn... telling everyone what is right or wrong... or seeing right and wrong outside yourself....always finding fault in all these things round about you... You are the only flawed perception in perfection you are the source of your own creation....but rarely does a human recognize their harvest and they try to blame anyone.... Anything...others...the devil... the government.. but they will not blame themselves the sewer of the seeds...identify ... identified ...by sensual perception a familiar trap ... have I labored in vain long enough to abandon this world and pick up a truth that tears off the masks the pretenders wear... we all wear...casting out the demonstrations that they must continually reinforce in a world of precepts of principalities of corruption at the seeming highest levels... but your eyes have lied... your ears deceived you... your touch has not brought you to his presence...yet imagination the cornerstone... that mankind has rejected... illuminating the way that these words cannot speak of... in imagination I labor without recompense or its expectation... the cornerstone... imagination... surely rejected... I do not care for the old ways and do not care for the blinds description of the world telling me they can see the way ... I am that I am... I am enough, I do not need permission nor do I ask for it... I am creating the script of this story to my own advantage... I am creating it morning into noon and through the night... this fabulous world, the whole vast world is only the appeasement of hungers... I am in the word, that proceeds from my mouth into this world and it's solidified forms encompassing me round about... I have conquered these lower pathways that opened inside my very self, to experience the desire I held in faith until the end of the stories next chapter... I have food that is my mind and speech, bringing me the higher knowledge that these words cannot express.... I reject the false idols of money, of power of all the illusory constructs made to deceive us from the truth...all the weaknesses that deny the true power within us, but I need not reject moneys usefulness...I need not deny powers might...I need not deny myself an appropriate, wealth and opulence ....as we all each one called then cannot be denied the final journey away from this globe and toward some unknown higher education that has not yet begun... I am abundant and successful with my own dreams of limitless joy evolving into greater chapters... he was wished until he were... the history of the family of Jacob, the sleeve severed, reveals the arm of God... it is not secular history... just as a sinners secular history does not exclude him from the entrance... the bible's revel-atory interpretation is not as it appears and one must be called to have the vision... and the brilliant minds of the world will always see the real answer as foolishness... so I move without a step, 10,000 steps through this world take me nowhere, I step into myself within and without the worlds approval... the answer that always was right here with me, nearer than hands or feet ...is found... within ...I am in the power denied me by this world's spiritual "elite", ...they perish and find no reward...as only within myself... David calls me father, and governments, corporations, churches... the standing armies of the world have no power over me... my reward not in this world, unless it is the gold and silver, and power that men wrongly pursue in their hearts...missing the mark...The living single God within me has brought my understanding outside the little incarnated mind whom never could understand the nature of the dream it is trapped within... extracted from the dreaming, no organization can transcend... no thing but your own personal revelation can set you free, not these words, not these worldly failing demonstrations of Ceasers power but real power that you will witness if of a mind to be a witness ... wrought of mind that believes itself separate from God... Cease only has worldly power... I speak of power beyond worldly power that some may call magic...it is not magic, but Gods law...so the stiff necked will always find their excuse...its perfectly ok... the hard of heart will not even need an excuse, its perfectly alright... they live by the law and die by it... indeed there is no right or wrong use of it...as he brings to the evil as well as the good... for the evil as well as the good, God's law works... no matter our perspective or belief... conscious revealing of God's law is believing in the reality of your imaginal acts and witnessing them being experienced by yourself and others without doubt...Since they believe only in loves and fish, God brings you These and more... I am the op-rent and power... do our imaginal actions always come true, I say the imaginal actions held in your real intent always come "true", for this world is made of the same substance as your dreams...it is your perception that is flawed and here and now is only perfection... You are moving toward the total understanding of that perfection and even your own wrong thought, cannot harm you... no matter your convictions of that wrong...you are saved and cannot be harmed...no matter your belief and monstrous things you make real you are saved...it is your ignorance that is harmed... it is the mask being pulled from you, that causes a pain that is not real... You cling and fight and refuse to let go... even into the horrors of death, which is revealed again as no horror...illusions.... your pain revealed as phantoms as illusions you had to keep puffed up or they disappear into no form...into nothing that is eternal... they are exposed as the fraud you perpetrated upon yourself... you are never in pain but what you think you are struggles for your full attention to keep itself from disappearing...you are a cosmic being, containing all people and the entire earth within you, even that ...a small wonder in your presence...If too feeble in faith for a reading of these little entries ...from a dear child... as you can, drink the milk, until you can eat meat... scriptures rightly interpreted will unfold within you... you cannot think of it from separateness... you must see it with a singular eye... knowing all is one, and God, Jesus, Satan they all were and are one God, as there is only one God... but you must be called... you must see it for yourself, otherwise doubt will always shoot you down... your own doubt will stop you ...until your conviction is like one iron rod... until your sight is single sight... your belief in two... in separations continue... if willing but unable to allow courage to deny your senses... your conviction grows past your old fears, and you see the one God eventually, hear him ...know him within you...as he is you... Awakened within your own skull, the wind had stirred you to awaken, a birth from within the tomb of your own skull...within your own skull... Golgotha... break the shell and rise above the dream in this darkness and ignorance of dead men walking... whom still believe this world of death is real... for them it shall remain perfectly believable...roll the stone away and be born out of that tomb...God is in spirit, and is born in your awareness, he was always there asleep, dreaming that he was you... awakened... you know whom you truly are...I am God... and not moved by transient man's limited visions of incarnated world... these passing sounds cannot reduce the awareness that every baby is born with, and every adult can see in those baby's eyes and face pouring out as spiritual light...as radiant innocence...as unrestricted trust, love beauty beyond man's engineered beauty...