

simulation outbreak (part six)
I had looked back to see cars no some way flying right next to us and it had little beams shooting from it. All the sudden charles hit he gas atleast thats what i think they call it and we started going really fast. Then he told me to press the green button grab the joy sticks aim and to press the red button and naturaly i did what i was told then i started shooting little beams it was ... great. I manged to hit one when charles told me we were going to have to go into hyper speed to make it back to base before they get us. Then charles hit a few buttons and told me to hold on that it eas going to be a rough ride i close my eyes and when i opened them i saw two little people they didn't look to friendly. They asked me who iwas and what my buiness was i aid i was julia storymaker and that i was here with a boy named charles. There eyes lit up and said "CHARLES YOU DID IT MY BOY FOUND THE SIMULATION BREAKER.". Charles came over to me and picked me up and said softly "You need some rest i take it youv'e never been into hyper space." i notted sleeply. He kep walking for what like an hour when he finally put me down i was on a bed he smiled and said goodnight.