

Where curiousity leads (ch.1)
Once upon a (weird) time, there was a beautiful, kind, brave, and very curious princess. All this princess wanted to do is hear the songs of the beautiful birds, smell the scents of the bright-colored flowers, and most of all, explore. This princess's name, was Alea. Also known as Princess Alea Maria Devenes-Cortez of the North seas Kingdom. But she always had to attend Balls, Galas, judging contests, you know, royal stuff. She tried to enjoy these things, but most of them were inside. The only royal party-thing she enjoyed was the garden parties. Though that was the only time she was allowed in the garden. This rule was formed when her Mother constantly got annoyed at how much and long she was out in the garden. Especially the times she snuck out when she was supposed to be at one of the following; Balls, Galas, judging contests, Royal stuff. That left her to only being outside at garden parties, or getting in the 32-foot-long-limo. One early morning, Alea decided to sneak out into the gardens, towards the forest. The most forbidden thing overall, was going into the forest. That rule was made from her Mother's following reasons; Dirty, blunt, coarse, un-trimmed, barbaric, and her favorite phrase, "contaminated with nature." Alea knew that these were absolutely rediculous reasons, and didn't make any difference in her love and interest in it. Nature to her, was like candy to a kid. She was always drawn towards it, no matter how much she was blocked from it. As Alea continued into the forest, little did she know who else was amongst her.
© DaQueen4all