

Dark-eating bird part-4
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back. I continued my journey towards it. The sun was setting towards the dawn with the red rays in the western sky.
I enjoyed listening to the sweet sounds. I forgot the self. A lone dizziness in the evening time.
It was a beautiful moment. It felt like it was calling to me. Then my thin legs moved towards it. Then I opened my eyes and saw.
I saw a beautiful waterfall scattering water nets. In the middle of the water nets beautiful butterflies were spreading their wings. Something shone on the wings.
I saw the butterflies on the wings of the butterflies shining brightly in the night sky. Suddenly I went to see the butterflies.
They looked at me and shed tears. I asked them what was the reason for your grief. What the butterflies told me Shedding tears.Kannithivu is a beautiful village. It is a village where there is no famine for paddy. Fields and deserts are found everywhere. Water resources are plentiful.
You can enjoy the scenic views of the forest. But to the village...

Look forward to part- 5

© R.Sanjidha