

When love dies (Chapter 2)
I think to myself, crying is not going to make things better and if I wanted things to make progress, I would have to step in. So knowing this man is still hovering over me, I head butt him. He pulls away and laughs. "What's so funny!?!"
"It's just your so... different."
"What do you mean?"
"Nevermind that let's get to the questions. What hours are the bank at one employee." I wanted to protect the bank and it's employees, but I hated the feeling of pain. Wait, what am I saying!?! I sound like such a wimp.

"Me and my partner are the only people that work on Tuesdays, so that is your best go."
"Great, this is nice progress. Ok, next is the password for the vault."
"The password for the vault is quite long and the vault includes a fingerscaner, that only me and one other person can access it."
" Ok, that'll be all for the questions, I have business to attend." He walked back to the stairs left and locked the door. I shivered again. I could hear a door open and a man's voice speak, but it wasn't the man in the mask, it was a deeper, scary, voice. I rubbed the rope on my hands, to the pole. It's no use, it won't work. I started singing very quietly. I was singing a song that my friend had sung to me in highschool. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the tears. I pulled my legs to my chest to keep warm. Footsteps above me seem to move closer to the basement door.

The man in the mask comes down with a rag. He ties it over my eyes, so I could no longer see. Then more footsteps come downstairs. I stop singing, to listen, listen for a voice, a sound, anything. I felt my hair being touched, and then my cheek. A glove it almost felt like, a leather glove. I turned my head, trying to leave his touch. They seemed to move away and whisper to each other. I hear one of the men walk upstairs. "Hello again, Thorn." It's weird this man seems to know to much about me for someone he just kidnapped. My name's Thorn. Thorn Sin.

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